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Office supplies management(uniform, stationary, drinking water etc.): record keeping and order processing and distribution control.

Office of secretary of dot of town of lukewarm state city held water on August 8, 2003 (Wen Zhou day of the 2nd sincere letter) , it is one is engaged in the secretary job and duty field research, major that offers survey of task of information of service 温州市市点秘书事务所成立于2003年8月8日(温州第二个诚信日),是一家从事秘书工作和职场研究、提供秘书技能事务服务、市场信息课题调研的专业服务机构。
Office protocol can make it different for one employee to ask anther for help. 对于同事间寻求帮助,办公室内的礼节往往起着重要的作用。
Office romances can be fun and successful - a growing number of newlyweds are co-workers. 办公室恋情可能是充满乐趣的,有成效的——有越来越多的新婚夫妇就都是同事。
Office skills include; operating English word processor and microcomputer, taking shorthand 85 wpm. 办公室工作技能包括:操作英文文字处理机及微型电子计算机、速记每分钟85个字。
Office space that is sufficient and appropriate for the work at hand is a must for any project where work is not distributed ad hoc around the world. 任何一个不把工作无组织地分散在全世界的项目都需要足够和适合当前工作的办公空间。
Office supplies management(uniform, stationary, drinking water etc.): record keeping and order processing and distribution control. 办公用品管理(工作服,文具,饮用水等):保存记录,采购订单及分发处理控制。
Office work environment, some travel. 办公室环境.一些出差.
Office work environment,site visits and some travel. 办公室环境,拜访工地和一些出差。
Office worker Mary Lee said she had come with her two young daughters to take a personal stand against Chen's leadership. 一位姓李的公务员说她和她的两个女儿立场都是挺倒扁一方的。
Office workers and families take to the parks and gardens, fiercely defending precious spaces beneath the trees, where they sit, drink, and sing their way through the first warm evenings of the year. 邀约亲朋好友一道来到樱花怒放的公园和花园,在樱花树下开辟一边空间,围坐饮酒、唱歌,度过一年中的第一个暖夜。
Office workers confront this familiar sight every workday: lobbies full of people impatiently waiting for the next elevator. 上班族每天都要面对这个熟悉的场景:大厅里满是不耐烦地等电梯的人。

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