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0 Incoming materials inspection is not performed systematically.

.Finally both the flea and fly managed to flee through a flaw in the flue. 最后,两个都设法通过那管子的一个裂隙逃走了。)
/FONT> there is no way to get oil and gas. 这样,石油的钻井变成值得详细考虑的题目。
/Will you mind XXX becoming the Chief Executive? /你会唔会介意XXX出任行政长官?
0 EXIT CRITERIA Supplier will be eligible to exit Early Production Containment on its own accord after meeting the criterion listed below. 0退出标准如符合以下标准,供应商就可以完成并退出先期生产控制程序。
0 Guidelines such as sampling level (AQL) and acceptance criteria are not well defined. 指引没有清析定义如抽样水准(AQL),接收标准等事项.
0 Incoming materials inspection is not performed systematically. 对来料检验没有明确系统化进行.
0 Mainly depends on operators' experience and skill, informal storage location assignment. 主要依靠仓管员的经验和技巧,没有正式指定储存位置.
0 No calibration/PM records / Incomplete calibration records. 没有任何校正/PM记录/或不完整的校正记录.
0 No checking of expiry dates in incoming inspection or direct ship to stock. 对来料时未有检查物料有效期,就直接进仓.
0 No clarified and specified requirement for disposition. Material mix up has potential to occur. 没有阐明和指定处理要求,物料混乱情况极有可能发生.
0 No conducting of such analysis. 没有进行此类分析.

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