BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 8 - With two 500-pound bombs that killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on Wednesday evening, American forces eliminated Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq and boosted the flagging confidence of American officials and the new Iraqi government as they mov |
中文意思: 伊拉克巴格达6月8日讯—在伊拉克进入第四年残酷的战乱之际,星期三晚上,美军使用两枚重500磅的炸弹炸死了扎卡维,从而铲除了伊拉克基地组织头目,增强了美国官员和伊拉克新政府萎靡不振的信心。 |
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A Marine amphibious assault vehicle on patrol during combat operations near the Syrian border hit a roadside bomb Wednesday, and 14 Marines were killed in one of the deadliest single attacks in Iraq against American forces.
伊拉克巴格达,周三一辆海军陆战队的两栖攻击车在为叙利亚边境作战行动执行巡逻任务期间撞上一颗倒霉的路边炸弹,造成了14个海军陆战队员在这个伊拉克人反美攻击中最致命之一的单次攻击中死亡。 |
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- June 23, 2006 -- IRAQ-MANSOUR -- An Iraqi soldier with a machine gun in the Mansour neighborhood in Baghdad on Thursday, June 22, 2006.
在过去的两个月里起义者来到曼塞尔枪杀了一名市议会议员,绑架了四名俄国大使馆的工作人员,在裁缝店枪杀了一名裁缝并轰炸了一个面包点心店。 |
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- June 23, 2006 -- IRAQ-MANSOUR-2 -- An Iraqi is questioned at a checkpoint in the Mansour neighborhood in Baghdad on Thursday, June 22, 2006.
在过去的两个月里起义者来到曼塞尔枪杀了一名市议会议员,绑架了四名俄国大使馆的工作人员,在裁缝店枪杀了一名裁缝并轰炸了一个面包点心店。 |
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- The U.S. military dropped a large amount of ordnanceon a building in a residential neighborhood of Baghdad on Monday based on time-sensitive intelligencethat some senior Iraqi officials, possibly including Saddam Hussein and his two sons,
巴格达,伊拉克——美国官员周二早间称,美军周一向巴格达某居民区的一栋建筑投下“大量炸弹”,因为可靠据情报,一些伊拉克高级官员,包括萨达姆本人和他的两个儿子当时可能正在那儿。 |
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- The young Iraqi known as Ronnie fears for his life.
巴格达,伊拉克--名为罗尼的伊拉克年轻人对他的生活感到恐惧。 |
BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 8 - With two 500-pound bombs that killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on Wednesday evening, American forces eliminated Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq and boosted the flagging confidence of American officials and the new Iraqi government as they mov
伊拉克巴格达6月8日讯—在伊拉克进入第四年残酷的战乱之际,星期三晚上,美军使用两枚重500磅的炸弹炸死了扎卡维,从而铲除了伊拉克基地组织头目,增强了美国官员和伊拉克新政府萎靡不振的信心。 |
BAGHDAD, July 23 — While Washington is mired in political debate over the future of Iraq, the American command here has prepared a detailed plan that foresees a significant American role for the next two years.
巴格达,7月23日-当华盛顿还陷于关于未来伊拉克问题的政治辩论时,美国司令部已经在此备下详细的预见未来两年美国重要角色的计划书。 |
BAGHDAD, June 8 — The American military finally hunted down and killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi by homing in on the activities of the terrorist leader's spiritual adviserand tracking the adviser to a safe house sheltered amid tall palm trees near the restive
巴格达,6月8日电:美国军方今天正式证实,美军追踪并最终击毙了阿布?穆萨卜?扎卡维.通过跟踪扎卡维的精神导师,最终在骚乱频发的巴库巴城附近一所被椰林遮盖的安全屋中搜索到这个恐怖份子头目并将其杀死。 |
BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 12 — The National Museum of Iraq recorded a history of civilizations that began to flourish in the fertile plains of Mesopotamia more than 7,000 years ago.
巴格达,伊拉克,四月十二日─伊拉克国家博物馆记录了一个曾在7000多年前的美索布达米亚的肥沃平原繁荣过的文化的历史。 |
BAI Bibo of Yuxi Teachers College is himself a member of the Hani nationality, and has been the key figure in the development of literacy among the Hani over many years.
玉溪师范学院白碧波硕士其本人是哈尼族,也是多年来哈尼族语文研究和民间读书识字活动的倡导者之一。 |
BAI Jing. Digital simulation of circulation system[J]. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1996, 9(1):3236.
张菊鹏,白净,陈劲,等.心肺交互作用的血液动力学效应的数字仿真[J].中国生物医学工程学报,1995,14(4):351359. |