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Chelsea's third successful strike on 81 minutes was the best of the game. Gérémi was the carrier, Essien the marksman in a goal out of Africa. .

Chelsea's on-loan left-back was stretchered off after half-an-hour following a collision with his own goalkeeper. 这名切尔西租借出的左后卫出场仅半个小时,便在一次与本队守门员的冲撞后被抬下了场。
Chelsea's owner, Roman Abramovich, has adopted a policy of seeking the best off-field backroom team possible to match the side he has seen Mourinho build and both he and Kenyon have been impressed with the impact made by Forde, whose background is in spor 切尔西的老板罗曼?阿布拉莫维奇正在采取一种策略,旨在搜罗所有最好的幕后工作团队,来满足他所看到的穆里尼奥所组建的这支球队,他和肯杨都对福德所起的作用印象深刻,在他超过8年的锐步球场效力期间,他的专业方向是体育科学与心理学。
Chelsea's row with Gallas refuses to die down after Mourinho accused the defender of a lack of respect for missing the club's pre-season training camp in the United States. 在莫里尼奥因为加拉私自缺席美国拉练而职责这名中后卫对俱乐部缺乏足够的尊重后,切尔西跟加拉的矛盾愈演愈烈。
Chelsea's search for a right-back has finished with the signing of Juliano Belletti from Barcelona on a three-year deal. 切尔西完成了右后卫寻找工作(真的?阿尔维斯不要了?),他们用一份三年合同签下了巴萨的居里亚诺·贝莱蒂。
Chelsea's team was so lop-sided that right-back Geremi, on his 100th Chelsea appearance, was taking all the corners. 切尔西过于依靠左右并不均衡,右后卫格雷米在这场代表球队第100次出场的比赛中,主罚了所有的角球。
Chelsea's third successful strike on 81 minutes was the best of the game. Gérémi was the carrier, Essien the marksman in a goal out of Africa. . 第81分钟,切尔西取得了第三粒进球。这可是本场比赛的最佳进球。格雷米带球突破并分球给艾辛,艾辛破门得分。这个球是两个非洲球员之间配合的结果。
Chelsea's vulnerability on their right flank saw them a goal behind on 16 minutes. 切尔西右翼的弱点使他们在第16分钟时一球落后.
Chelsea's youth team beat Luton 3-0 in the first pre-season friendly today giving new coach Ruud Kaiser victory in his first Chelsea match. 一场友谊赛中切尔西青年队以3:0战胜了卢顿队,给新教练鲁德-凯塞尔在他的切尔西第一场比赛中取得胜利。
Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool and Aston Villa are among a number of top flight clubs who have been taken over by owners from abroad and Platini insists that something must be done. 切尔西,曼联,利物浦,阿斯顿维拉这些英超强队都有外国老板了,于是普拉蒂尼也有了点怨念。
Chelsea, Newcastle, Bolton, Middlesbrough and Portsmouth have been named by Lord Stevens in his final report into top-flight transfers. 罗德史蒂文斯在他调查关于高额转会的报告中点名了切尔西,纽卡,博尔顿,米德尔斯堡和朴茨茅斯5家俱乐部。
Chelsea, as normal, are not commenting on the mass of media transfer speculation. 切尔西没有就大量媒体的转会传闻发表正式的意见。

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