At a fixed exchange rate, a current account surplus not offset by a corresponding voluntary capital outflow will generate an increase in the monetary base.
在汇率固定的情况下,如果没有相应的自愿资金外流,来抵消经常账户盈余,就会造成货币基础的增长。 |
At a football club, there\'s a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters.
在一个足球俱乐部里,球员,主教练和球迷是三位一体的。 |
At a football match in Tehran on March 30th, television cameras panned to the electronic scoreboard flashing “We Condemn the Invasion of the British Forces in the Blue Waters of the Persian Gulf” alongside the better-known slogans such as “Nuclear Energy
3月30日,在德黑兰举行的一场足球比赛中,电视转播摄象机曾将镜头转向电子记分牌,上面闪烁着“我们谴责英军侵入波斯湾的蔚蓝海域”的字样;此外也不乏更为人熟知的口号,譬如“核能是我们不容争议的权利”以及“伊玛目霍梅尼尝言:以色列必须被斩草除根”。 |
At a fundamental level, such legalistic arguments from supporters of the referendum make it seem that they do not take seriously Taiwan's commitments to the United States and the international community, are willing to ignore the security interests of Tai
公投支持者以这种论点来争论,似乎就是不认真看待台湾对美国与国际社会的承诺,也不惜忽略台湾最坚定友人的安全利益,也是为了短期政治目标而甘让台湾人民冒著安全风险。 |
At a given location, however, the strength of the tidal current is generally proportional to the relative tidal range for that day.
然而,在一定的地点,潮流强度一般与那一天的相对潮差成正比。 |
At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona.
我只要稍稍看一眼,就能分辨出中国和亚利桑那州的区别。 |
At a guess 1 would say sixteen per cent, and 1 do not think that figure is likely to get bigger in the future.
凭猜测,我会说大概是16%,而且我认为在将来这个数字也不可能增加。 |
At a guess, I'd say she was35.
要我猜的话,我说她三十五岁。 |
At a guess, it'll either be glossed over, or used to support the idea that America, with its degenerate culture, is quite capable (in only eight short months no less) to pollute an otherwise good Chinese's mind and turn him into a killer.
我猜测,媒体要么封锁消息,要么像过去一样支持这种观点:美国的堕落文化何其强大,毒害了一个正直中国青年的思想(仅仅在他来美的短短八个月里),将其最终变成了杀人犯。 |
At a higher resolution, everything onscreen (text, images, navigation buttons…) Is smaller, so more can fit on your display.
使用高分辨率时,屏幕上所有元素(文本,图像,按钮,等等)都会缩小,因此可以全部显示在屏幕上。 |
At a hundred he stared around him at the empty hillside, wondering if he should yell for help.
数到一百的时候,他外观着周围空空荡荡的岩石,琢磨着是不是应该喊救命。 |