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I was in the audience, reporting in something close to real time by publishing frequent conference updates to my weblog, an online journal of short web postings, via a wireless link the conference had set up for attendees.

I was in my salad days then, and fell in love easily. 我那时年纪轻、 涉世未深, 极易堕入情网.
I was in my salad days then, and fell in love easily. 我那时年纪轻、涉世未深,极易堕入情网.
I was in my usual post-visit mood: tired and unsociable. 和每次探视之后一样,我的情绪疲惫而孤僻。
I was in no shape to work on the book, for I was barely managing to get the magazine out every two months as it was. 我不适合写这本书,因为我不能设法离开杂志,二个月来一直如此。
I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhow. 我很匆忙, 所以随便地把衣服穿上了。
I was in the audience, reporting in something close to real time by publishing frequent conference updates to my weblog, an online journal of short web postings, via a wireless link the conference had set up for attendees. 作为听众,我利用会场为与会者布置的无线网络频繁地更新我的博客,将会议的最新消息发布其上,这样的报道方式几乎就是第一现场的,所谓博客,就是一种短文形式的网上日志。
I was in the hospital for several weeks. 我在医院里住了几个星期了。
I was in the middle of coding a web page when my wife emailed me these questions: Ever wonder what it would be like to have the face, the brains, the personality and the BODY? 我正在编写一个网页,我的妻子用电子邮件给我发过来这些问题:有没有想过拥有动人的面孔,出众的智慧,不凡的个性,完美的身材?
I was in the office to get familiar with all the documents and also taking phone calls. 我仍然呆在办公室里熟悉各种文件并接听电话.
I was in the red last month. 我上个月已出现赤字。
I was in the shadow of exams. 我忙着对付迫在眉睫的考试。(我忙于复习迎考。

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