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Today's fashions, such as slinky stilettos, skin-tight hipster jeans and cute hand-held purses, may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body .

Today's examination is comparatively easy. 今天的考试相对比较容易。
Today's examination is correspondingly easy. 今天的考试相对比较容易。
Today's examination is relatively easier-easy. 今天的考试相对比较容易。
Today's examination is relatively easy. 今天的考试相对比较容易。
Today's exchange rate is RMB12.40 yuan for 1£. 今天的汇率是1英镑兑换12.40元人民币。
Today's fashions, such as slinky stilettos, skin-tight hipster jeans and cute hand-held purses, may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body . 时髦细高跟鞋、时尚紧身牛仔裤和可爱手提包等如今的时尚服饰看起来很时髦,但对你的身体可不一定有好处。
Today's fine-pitch SMT parts defy even the nimblest fingers. 而如今,精良的SMT器件甚至令最灵巧的手指也一无用处。
Today's gate will be given to charity. 今日的门票收入将捐献给慈善事业.
Today's homework: Try to translate these dialogues! 今日家庭作业:看看下面的两则对话,你是否翻得来呢?
Today's issue is a New Year's tradition. 今天这期通讯是每年元旦的老传统了。
Today's leader has to be highly visible. 今天的领导者必须高瞻远瞩。

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