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Some basic relations between arithmetic-geometric mean and geometric-harmonic mean and related inequalities were given. Moreover, these two means were compared with some classes of well known compound means.

Some bakeries will even stamp them with your family name so that you can give personalized ones to friends and family. 有些月饼店甚至在月饼上印上你亲友的姓名,这样你就能把有个性化的月饼送给朋友和家人。
Some bamboo is thinner than your little finger. Some is much thicker than your waist. 某些种类的竹子比小手指还细。某些则比腰还要粗得多。
Some bands are so overloaded that long waits and interference are the norm. 有些频带壅塞的程度,已使得长时间等待和干扰成为家常便饭。
Some banks, particularly big, international ones, shy away, fearing that profiting from the poor could smack of exploitation. 一些银行,特别是大型的,国际性的银行不想涉足是担心赚穷人的钱多少有点剥削的味道。
Some basic concepts of E-R relation model and multi-dimension data model are introduced, and design of multi-dimension data model of demand management is described in detail. 本文介绍了E-R关系模型和多维数据模型的一些基本概念,着重介绍了需求管理的多维数据模型设计。
Some basic relations between arithmetic-geometric mean and geometric-harmonic mean and related inequalities were given. Moreover, these two means were compared with some classes of well known compound means. 摘要给出算术-几何平均值与几何-调和平均值之间的一些基本关系式和有关的不等式,并且把它们与常见的几类复合平均值做了比较。
Some basic secretarial tasks for management if required. 若有必要,协助管理层做些基本的秘书工作。
Some basic stats as I remembered from our trip: 16 years to build, $25B in costs, 1.13 million people resettled due to the change in the river height, 99 new bridges and almost 10 times the power generating capacity of the largest dam in the US. 我记得这样一些基本的统计数字:花费16年建造,耗费250亿美元,因为河水高度的改变要搬迁113万居民,99座新建桥梁,产生几乎十倍于美国最大水坝的能量。
Some bears and tigers leave visual signs. 某些熊和老虎会留下明显的标志。
Some beer and chocolate taste acrid. 有些啤酒和巧克力有苦味。
Some beer and chocolate taste bitter. 有些啤酒和巧克力有苦味。

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