Palestinian militant groups say their attacks forced the Israeli pullout.
巴勒斯坦武装组织说,是他们的袭击行动迫使以色列撤离。 |
Palestinian militants began celebrating with gunfire as soon as the Israelis left.
以色列人离开之后,巴勒斯坦激进分子马上鸣枪以示庆祝。 |
Palestinian militants have freed three kidnapped Britons in the Gaza Strip. The abduction underscores the breakdown of law and order since Israel pulled out of the territory three months ago.
巴勒斯坦激进分子释放了在加沙地带被绑架的三名英国人质。这次绑架事件突显出自从以色列三个月前撤离加沙以来,当地的法治混乱情况。 |
Palestinian officials say the aim is to rein in lawlessness in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
巴勒斯坦官员说,他们的目的是控制约旦河西岸和加沙地带,结束那里无法无天的局面。 |
Palestinian rockets fired from the Gaza Strip crashed into the battered Israeli border town of Sderot.
从加沙地带发射的巴勒斯坦火箭将以色列边界的S小镇炸的支离破碎。 |
Palestinian youths throw stones at an Israeli Jeep in a refugee camp in Ramallah 14 August 2004.
8月14日,两名巴勒斯坦青年在约旦河西岸城市拉姆安拉的一个难民营里向以色列军队的一辆吉普车投掷石块。 |
Palestinians viewed him as a father figure and the leader of their quest for a homeland.
在巴勒斯坦人眼里,他是慈父般的人物,是带领他们建立自己家园的领袖。 |
Palettes The use of a customized palette is generally restricted to displays that show 256 colors.
调色板-自定义调色板的用处通常是受限于显示256色的显示器。 |
Palfrey contends her escort service provided university educated women to engage in legal game-playing of a sexual nature at $US275 ($A333) an hour for a 90-minute session, the Washington Post reported.
华盛顿邮报在报道中表示,帕尔弗里辩解称,他公司经营的陪伴服务在90分钟一次的时间内以275美元每小时(333澳大利亚元)向客户提供合法的性游戏服务,从业人员皆受过大学教育。 |
Palfrey has denied she ran a prostitution ring.
帕尔弗里否认经营一个卖淫集团的指控。 |
Palfrey's California home and other assets were seized by US tax authorities in October, and Palfrey has been trying to raise funds for her defence through an appeal on her website.
帕尔弗里在加利福尼亚的家及其他资产已于去年10月份被美国税务机构扣压,而帕尔弗里在自己的个人网站上呼吁大家捐款以筹集辩护资金。 |