However, Citigroup, which is believed to have originally contested SPDB's claims of an exclusivity deal, agreed not to set up a credit card joint venture with another Chinese bank until 2008.
但花旗集团同意,在2008年前不与另外一家中国银行成立信用卡合资企业。据悉,花旗集团曾对浦发银行此排他协议要求提出异议。 |
However, Cole has suffered posterior rather than cruciate ligament damage and the club are hopeful he will be able to play again this season.
但是科尔十字韧带的受伤情况并不是想象中的那么严重,所以俱乐部依旧认为在本赛季复出还是有希望的。 |
However, Congress will be unable to complete major government appropriations bills before the November election, requiring lawmakers to reconvene in mid-November to finish up business of 109th Congress.
无论如何,国会将不能在10月的选举之前完成主要政府拨款的法案,需要立法者在10月中旬重新集合起来完成第109届国会事务。 |
However, Congress will be unable to complete major government appropriations bills before the November election, requiring lawmakers to reconvene in mid-November to finish up business of the 109th Congress.
然而,在11月选举前,国会不能完成大型的政府拨款项目,这使得立法者要在11月中旬重新召集来完成109届国会议程。 |
However, Conventional investigations for determining slope failure have focused on the linear relationships among many factors, such as slope angle, slope height, material, construction, rainfall, earthquake and so on.
一般而言,公路边坡破坏受到许多因子的影响,如坡度、坡高、地质材料、地质构造、土地利用、雨量及地震等等。 |
However, Coo could not adjust to the life style in Tokyo and starts to miss his family.
康一带著河童即将展开一段奇异的旅程,寻找那个曾经清纯美好的世界。 |
However, Criollo cocoa accounts for only 10% of the world crop.
然而它的产量只占世界可可豆总产量的10%。 |
However, Danes rejected adopting the euro currency in 2000.
但丹麦在2000年拒绝接收欧元货币。 |
However, Darren's delight was tainted slightly by a yellow card, which led to Walter Smith withdrawing him at half-time when the Scots were 5-0 up.
唯一不完美的是领到了一张黄牌,主教练沃尔特.史密斯在苏格兰5:0领先后将其替换下场。 |
However, Doctor Zachary Smith, an agent for an enemy government is sent to sabotage the mission.
他们被迫降落在不知名的星球上,一个地图上找不到的地方。 |
However, Don Fabio made his thoughts on the matter amply clear.
但是皇马主教练卡佩罗明确的回击了这些批评。 |