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A: I'm not sure we have that much on hand.

A: I'm moving to Taichung because teahouses are more popular there. 我要搬到台中去,因为红茶店在那里比较受欢迎。
A: I'm not eating that. It looks gross. 我不会吃那东西的!它看起来很恶心。
A: I'm not going outside. We'll get wet. 我才不要出去。我们会淋成落汤鸡。
A: I'm not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don't mind the fencing. 我不太喜欢像柔道和拳击这样的打斗项目,但是我不介意击剑。
A: I'm not so sure, but I think the radioactive waves the cell phone sends out is no good for us. 答:我不太确定,但我认为手机辐射对我们是绝对没有益处的。
A: I'm not sure we have that much on hand. 我没把握现在的量有没有那么多。
A: I'm not sure. I think black and white is probably fine. 我不确定。我想黑白的可能就行。
A: I'm not the best singer in the world, but I do like a couple of Finnish singers and bands. 我不是世界上最好的歌手,但是我喜欢芬兰的歌手和乐队。
A: I'm out of (paper/ staples/ folders). Do you have any more? 没(纸/订书针/文件夹)了,你还有吗?
A: I'm putting it all on the line with Debbie tonight. 今晚我要不计任何代价跟黛比说清楚。
A: I'm really bad at predicting the future. 在预知未来方面,我真正的很差。

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