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I plan to embark on my English tour.

I plan on working my way through law school. 我计划自己赚生活费读法律学校。
I plan to bring them to Newton Circus. 那里有太多吃的了。。。
I plan to buy a Ford next year. 我计划明年买一辆福特牌汽车。
I plan to develop a web server program, anyone who can help me? 本人想打造一个完整的网站服务器程序,希望能找到志同道合的人。
I plan to earn a Bachelor Degree and then a Master's Degree in this field. 我打算先攻读计算机学士学位,再攻读硕士学位。
I plan to embark on my English tour. 我计划开始我的英伦之旅。
I plan to get a part-time job at the McDonald's. 我打算到麦当劳做兼职.
I plan to go to the concert. 我打算去听音乐会。
I plan to have winter vacation in ShangHai where there are many friends of mine. 我准备到上海度寒假,那儿有我的一些好朋友。
I plan to learn photography. 我打算学摄影。
I plan to look for a part-time job next year. 3明年我打算找一份兼职的工作。

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