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None were unmoved.

None so blind as they who will not see. 不愿正视事实的人是瞎而又瞎的。
None so deaf as those who won't hear. 不愿听人的,比聋子还聋.
None that glitters is gold . 发光的东西不都是黄金。
None the less, 11-16 from the field is pure dumbinance! 不过在进攻端16投11中的表现绝对是令人无话可说的。
None the less, the wind was blowing; the leaves were floating; the heart was aching; the tears were shedding. But he had gone finally. 风依然在吹,叶依然在飘,心依然在痛,泪依然在流,可他还是走暸。
None were unmoved. 无不为之感动。
None whatsoever. I'm at your di osal. 一点儿也没有呢。我得听你安排。
None whatsoever. I'm at your disposal. 一点儿也没有呢。我得听你安排。
None who go to her return or attain the paths of life. 19凡到他那里去的不得转回,也得不着生命的路。
None will be kicked out by popular vote (indeed, doing so in space would cause them to explode). 在实验过程中倒不会通过公众投票淘汰某人(事实上,要真是在太空中将人淘汰出太空舱的话,他们可是会爆炸的)。
None, beer is brewed, not distilled. 不可以,啤酒是发酵酿造的,不是蒸馏酿造的。

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