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Asks the Possible to the Impossible, Where is your dwelling-place?

Asking whether now is the time for tech implies that you wouldn't want to miss a strong rebound in the technology sector, so you must make sure you're on board before the train leaves the station. 提出是否轮到科技股上涨这个问题,就意味着你不想错过这一轮科技板块的反弹,以便当科技板块这一列火车启动时你还在车上。
Asking while answering, our interview was going on unconsciously in a chatting type. 在聊天式的一问一答中,我们的采访不知不觉地进行着。
Asking yourself why you do your job doesn't mean you're dissatisfied, just self-aware. 问问自己为何你做这项工作并不意味着你对它不满意,而是做到自知之明。
Asking. Question. Why? Answering. Feedback. 问。问题。为什么?回答。反馈。
Asks the Possible to the Impossible, where is your dwelling place? “可能”问“不可能”:“你住在哪里?”
Asks the Possible to the Impossible, Where is your dwelling-place? “可能”问“不可能”道:“你住在什么地方呢?”
Asks the Possible to the Impossible,Where is your dwelling-place?In the dreams of the impotent, comes the answer. “可能”问“不可能”道:“你住在什么地方呢?”它回答道:“在那无能为力者的梦境里。”
Asks the possible of the Impossible Where is your dwelling-place ?In the dreams of the impotent , comes the answer. 1「可能」问「不可能」说:「你住在那儿呢?」它回答:「在那无能者的梦里。」
Asks where goes to the Australian Brisbane in ascend machine? 请问去澳大利亚布里斯班在哪里登机?
Asks you not to be angry first, please first look this mail, you send in the test report order form number and the product model have the mistake, therefore, I cannot determine, you test the cargo is goods which our company sends, asks you to check, then 请您先别生气,请先看完这封邮件,你发过来的测试报告中的定单号与产品型号均有错误,所以,我不能确定,你所测试的货物是我公司发过去的货,请你重新清查一下,再给我回复好吗?
Aslan sacrifices himself as payment for Edmund's treachery and as a result Aslan is reborn stronger than ever. 雄狮阿斯兰牺牲了自己作为对埃德蒙背叛的偿还,结果阿斯兰得到了重生,并且变得比任何时候都更强大。

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