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They heard television blare.

They havn't indeed aware of that is not a good habit. 4他们甚至没有意识到这部十一种好的习惯。
They headed toward the site and there they saw what looked like oil and airplane debris floating on the surface. 他们前往那个位置,而且在那里他们看见了看起来像是漂浮在水面上的油和飞机碎片一样的东西。
They heal remarkably quickly, making them nearly impossible to kill with mundane weaponry such as knives or small firearms. 他们显著快速的自愈能力使他们几乎不可能被刀子或者轻武器之类的世俗武器杀死。
They heard banging and a clinking of glasses. 她们听见了砰砰的声音,还听见了玻璃杯丁当的碰撞声。
They heard her cries for help. 他们听到他求救的喊叫声。
They heard television blare. 电视机的声音震耳欲聋。
They heard the Americans were arresting any young men, so the family fled the hospital and finally obtained treatment in a nearby town. 他们听说美国人在逮捕任何年轻人,所以他们一家从医院逃跑,最后在一个附近的城镇里接受治疗。
They heard the click of the mail slot and flop of letters on the doormat. 他们听到邮箱喀嗒一声响,接着就是信件落到门垫子上的声音。
They heard the fire alarm. 他们听到了火警警报。
They heard the sound of a motorbike coming round the corner. 他们听到拐角处传来的摩托车的声音。
They heard this morning that they had passed the examination, so they went out to paint the town red. 今天上午他们得知考试及格,于是都出去狂欢一场。

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