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Based on the research on the relationship between library's flexibility service and reader's psychological environment, this paper puts forward some influencing factors the former brings to the latter and suggests providing flexibility service so that to

Based on the research of quantity methods about city environmental noise sectioning, Fuzzy Chustering model is built up. The model is simple, accurate and practical. 摘要通过对城市声学环境定量区划方法的研究,提出使用模糊聚类模型进行区划,该方法简单,误差小,具有较强的实用价值。
Based on the research of several shiplocks, the temperature and stress field of the lock floor is simulated under temperature and gravity loads, where the shiplock floor is built on different foundations, the effect of setting up wide construction joints 作者通过对多个船闸工程的研究,结合非线性有限元仿真分析方法,考虑重力、温度等荷载,计算分析土基和岩基上船闸结构底板预留宽缝施工方法的效果。
Based on the research on garden plant diseases in Guiyan of Guizhou Province, twenty-eight kinds of fungal diseases were identified. 摘要通过对贵州省贵阳市园林植物的病害种类调查,鉴定出28种真菌病害。
Based on the research on investment optimization for grid construction projects, with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based design concept and with consideration of factors of economy, technology, and social environment, the comprehensive evaluation 在对电网建设项目投资优化问题研究的基础上,基于层次分析法的设计思想,综合考虑技术、经济、社会环境因素,构建了电网投资项目评价的指标体系;基于改进型层次分析法构建了电网建设项目投资的综合评价模型,解决了专家赋权过程中的主观不一致和需要进行一致性检验等问题。
Based on the research on the development of foreign trade in China since Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China was issued in 1994, the paper made an empirical analysis about dependence on foreign trade, and pointed out that China could promo 摘要在对1994年《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》颁布以来中国对外贸易的发展情况进行分析的基础上,对我国外贸依存度进行了实证研究,提出了可以从经济发展战略、加工贸易、服务贸易以及汇率制度等方面进行改革,以促进我国对外贸易的健康发展。
Based on the research on the relationship between library's flexibility service and reader's psychological environment, this paper puts forward some influencing factors the former brings to the latter and suggests providing flexibility service so that to 摘要针对图书馆柔性化服务与读者心理环境之间关系的研究,提出了柔性化服务对读者心理环境产生的影响因素,实施图书馆柔性化服务的策略,促进校园文化、图书馆文化和谐发展。
Based on the research progress about shaft wall fracture, some aspects are proposed for further research, including the water level of aquifer, thermal stress, quality of shaft wall, and prediction of dangerous depth of shaft wall fracture in advance, etc 摘要结合目前井壁破裂研究的状况,提出几个值得进一步研究的问题,包括含水层水位、温度应力、井壁质量及井壁破裂位置的超前预测等。
Based on the research work about non-negative pressure method of water supply, it was pointed out that there exist some problems in the system if the facilities are not designed or operated properly, and corresponding engineering measure of how to use non 摘要对无负压供水技术进行了分析,指出了设计或使用不合理时可能出现的问题;提出了正确使用无负压供水技术的工程措施。
Based on the researches of Neogene calcareous nannofossils from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, this paper briefly reviews the researching and developing process. 摘要根据珠江口盆地新近系钙质超微化石研究文献,综述了研究内容及发展过程。
Based on the researches on conceptions and principles of recombining passenger flows, and its influence on train operation, correlative data structures and validated algorithms were given for the passenger-flow recombination method. 给出了车流合并的概念,研究了车流合并对运输组织的影响并提出了车流合并的原则;设计了合并车流的数据结构及相关计算机算法,并结合实例进行了验证。
Based on the resemblance of history and reality, Guo Moruo deliberately designs plots the conflicts which successfully show the three political tasks of Chinese people in the anti-war period: combat with the foreign power for the sovereignty, struggle con 它利用历史与现实的相似点,营构戏剧冲突,成功地表现了抗战时期中国人民的三大政治任务,即外反侵略争国权,内反专制争民主,坚持抗争反投降。

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