In the long run, one should save money for emergencies. |
中文意思: 从长远看, 应该存钱以备不测。 |
In the long run, Equity Division Reform will enable investment shareholders and original shareholders to have consistent return functions, contributing to the overall revenue maximization.
从长期看,股权分置改革能使投资股东和原始股东的收益函数趋于一致,有助于实现整体收益的最大化。 |
In the long run, I think it is not suitable for me to stay here for much longer.
从长远考虑,我觉得我自己不适合在此地久留。 |
In the long run, after all, resolving this conflict is in America's interest, too.
毕竟从长远来看,解决这一冲突也是符合美国自身利益的。 |
In the long run, hard though it will be, only incorporation of the tribal areas into Pakistan proper offers a chance for moderation to prevail.
从长远来看,尽管困难重重,但只有将部落地区彻底并入巴基斯坦才有机会促使温和力量取胜。 |
In the long run, he predicts a polarisation in American Jewry: a small group growing more pious and attached to Israel, while a larger one drifts away.
最后,他预言了美国犹太人的分化:少部分人变得更虔诚和更依恋以色列,而多数人则慢慢离开。 |
In the long run, one should save money for emergencies.
从长远看, 应该存钱以备不测。 |
In the long run, stronger domestic consumption could trim China's trade surplus.
长期来看,强劲的国内消费会平衡中国的贸易顺差。 |
In the long run, success depends upon possessing superior core competences in the fields in which the organization operates.
从长远来看,成功取决于企业在它的领域所拥有的更高的核心能力。 |
In the long run, the best is unquestionably the cheapest.
从长远来看,最好的毫无疑问是最便宜的。 |
In the long run, the lack of commitment to multilateral trade that sank the Doha round this week will also start to corrode the trading system as a whole.
多边贸易中缺乏责任的做法不仅使本周的多哈回合谈判触礁,而且最终还可能开始削弱整个贸易系统。 |
In the long run, this association has been a fruitful one as JJ's modest lip ruintook him from South Africa to the Polar Circle, from Havana to Shanghai, from the Mississippi Delta to the Paris Opera.
十年的光景,米尔多凭着“受伤的嘴唇”、从北极圈走到南非,从上海走到哈瓦那,甚至走到了巴黎歌剧院的舞台。 |