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The cable car's first run started at the top of a 307-foot hill.

The cabinet of Makoto Saito, Inukai's successor, approved the establishment of Manchukuo. 继任首相斋藤实承认了“满洲国”政策。
The cabinet shuffle is better seen as part of the opaque selection process known as “operation successor”. 内阁变动可以更好的理解为被称作“选择继承人”这种不透明的大选程序的一部分。
The cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work. 这家具工使用刨子来完成工作。
The cable car company gave each passenger two free cable car passes to compensate them for their inconvenience, but not everyone was happy about it. 尔后,捷运公司还赠送受困乘客一人两张猫缆搭乘券,希望可以弥补故障的缺失。但民众很不满意。
The cable car scoots more or less straight uphill from the modern railway station at Orvieto Scalo to the medieval town of Orvieto. 电缆车急速,近乎笔直地从现代的火车站驶向——奥维多——一座中世纪的小镇。
The cable car's first run started at the top of a 307-foot hill. 缆车一开始是从307尺高的坡道上往下行驶。
The cable is designed for aerial electricity transmission and distribution line . 本产品适用于架空电力输配电线路。
The cable is manufactured on argon arc welding ,crrugating and slotting production lind with the most advanced technolongy byslotting the holes along outer conductor axis,so the evenly-distributed rdlatively strong radiating signal in the close vicinty lf 50欧姆漏泄同轴电缆系采用现今最先进的氩弧焊、轧纹和可多向开槽设备,切削一组合适的外导体槽孔,使电缆周围沿信号传输方向具有强度相对均匀的射频信号,实现信号在分立天线盲区的长距离输送。
The cable provides a continuous drain path for melting snow and ice to flow (through the gutter and into the downspout). 电热带(为融化雪和流动的冰)提供了一条连续的排水的路径。
The cables regulate their heat output in response to changes in temperature. 其输出热量随着温度的改变,自动调整。
The cables, which will be the bridge's main support, are strung from tower to tower. They are made up of wire that's high tensile steel. 作为大桥的主要支撑,绳索被绷在塔之间。它们是由高抗拉强度的钢丝组成的。

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