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I'll sleep in the barn,the banker volunteered.

I'll law you to the Supreme Court. “我要到最高法院去告你。”
I'll not deceive you, Mrs. Brown, the officer said. The girl is a good worker but if you were to leave money or valuables lying about she'd steal them as soon as look at you. 我不骗你,布朗夫人,那位警察说道。这个姑娘干活是把好手,但是如果你把钱或贵重物品放在周围,她随时都会偷的。
I'll not hang all my bells on one horse, said old Mrs. Sampson . 年迈的桑普森严太太说,我不会把全部财产留给一个儿子。
I'll reveal the shattering truth about who fed me to the sharks. It changed my view forever on the club I regarded as family. 我将揭露关于是谁欺骗了我的事实的真相,这改变了我以俱乐部为家的情感。
I'll send you a young goat from my flock,he said. Will you give me something as a pledge until you send it?she asked. 17犹大说、我从羊群里取一只山羊羔打发人送来给你.他玛说、在未送以先、你愿意给我一个当头麽。
I'll sleep in the barn,the banker volunteered. “我去牲口棚睡。”银行家自告奋勇。
I'll starve without a job but don't feel you have to give me one. 没有工作我会饿死,但也不觉得你一定要给我一个工作。
I'll tell your mother,Charley shouted desperately. “我要告诉你妈,”查利绝望地嚷着。
I'll try for 39 seconds next year,said Ang, adding that the trick to speedy text messaging was to use a mobile phone with larger keys on the dial pad. 这名学生表示明年将尝试把此纪录缩短到39秒,同时还透露,提高发短信速度的秘诀就是使用那些按键相对较大的手机。
I'll try thinking more about me next season - so that I don't finish 15 goals behind Thierry Henry again. 下个赛季,我会想的更多,我会比亨利更早射入15个球。
I'll work everything out,I replied, don't worry. “我会安排好一切,”我回答,“不要担心。”

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