In statesmanship, get the formality right; never mind about the morality.
作为政治(家的)手腕,应彻底搞清形式上的手续,至于道德则无需顾忌。 |
In stead of reinforce (enforcing) the law and preventing the demonstrators who (from) blocking the street, the city government accommodated them and spend public funds in supportive of their camps (encampment) for the last (that lasted for) several weeks.
市政府不但没有加强执行法规和阻止示威者堵塞街道,反而为他们提供食宿并且动用公共基金支持他们过去几周的露营活动。 |
In stead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less.
何不换一种活法,将更多的高山攀爬,多吃点儿冰淇淋甜甜嘴巴,经常光着脚板儿溜达溜达,在更多的河流里畅游,多看看夕阳西下,多点欢笑哈哈,少让泪水滴答! |
In steady state, the levels of capital, and thus the output are not changing.
在稳态下,资本和产量水平都保持不变。 |
In step 2 we move to a seemingly contradictory exercise.
在第二步里我们开始做一些看上去相反的练习。 |
In step I you will be reconditioning him to respond positively to your requests.
步骤一:你应改变他,让他积极回应你的要求。 |
In stepping up the industrialization and urbanization, Huashe pays great attention to the synchronized development of urban and rural areas and is the first to have realized a complete coverage of social welfare such as endowment insurance for employees,
在加快工业化、推进城市化的同时,华舍街道注重城乡统筹发展,率先达到了职工养老保险、城乡居民最低生活保障、失地农民基本生活保障、农村新型合作医疗、社区公共卫生服务、免费义务教育等全覆盖。 |
In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed.
在故事里,注定要死的主人公往往在最后一刻由某种命运的突变而得救,但几乎总是他的价值观被改变了。 |
In stories, Dracula is a vampire that sleeps in a coffin during the day.
故事中的德古拉是白天在棺材里睡觉的吸血鬼。 |
In striving to be as objective and honest as possible, Hemingway hit upon the device of describing a series of actions using short, simple sentences from which all comment or emotional rhetoric have been eliminated.
为了追求客观与忠实的呈现,海明威于是发展出一种写作方式,以完全不带评论及情感用字的短句描写人物动作。 |
In stroke, where cells die or fail to mature, it will be important to identify growth factors that support neuronal survival and teach immature cells to become healthy, well-connected neurons.
以中风的状况来说,细胞会死去或无法成熟,因此找出哪些生长因子可以支持神经生存,以及教导未成熟细胞变成健康而富连结的神经细胞,就很重要了。 |