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I was really racing against time since the sun was getting higher and higher but I needed to capture some decent shots with minimal nagative effects of shadows.

I was ready to lose the game and leave Old Trafford with a smile just to pass a message of confidence. 我此前也已经准备好输掉这场比赛后带着笑脸离开老特拉福德,这也能传递出我们自信的信息。
I was ready to move on to any plane he designated, provided that one didn't eat less or drink less. 我已作好准备进入他指定的任何阶段,只要不少吃的不少喝的就行。
I was really in a fog after the exam. 考完试后,我真的感到稀里糊涂。
I was really in the soup with my clients last month. 上个月我真的是陷入了与客户的困境之中。
I was really out of line for saying those things to you. I hope you can see my p oint of view on the matter. 我对你说那些话,实在太不像样了。希望你能了解我对那件事的想法。
I was really racing against time since the sun was getting higher and higher but I needed to capture some decent shots with minimal nagative effects of shadows. 我那时真的是和时间赛跑,太阳渐渐升起,但我需要补捉住一些受影子影响到最少的美丽照片.
I was really taken aback upon hearing of his death. 听说他的死讯,我着实吃了一惊。
I was really up the creek when I lost my keys. 我丢掉钥匙之后,真正遇到了麻烦。
I was recalcitrant in private, because I am playful but proud too. 我之所以没有私下向你道歉,是因为我没把这当回事,而且还很自负。
I was reckless,I was reckless,never thought that girl would play me. “大意呀,大意呀,想不到被一丫头片子玩儿了。”
I was referred by Mr. Smith of X Company. (是X公司的史密斯先生介绍我来的。)

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