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One way to fix the problem of the new message writing over the previous one is to keep a handle on the old String object.

One way to check this model is to look back in time. 回顾从前是个检视此模型的方法。
One way to constantly create new value for museums is to seek out and represent the many products which are available from museums via the internet so that they can be re-assembled and added to a museum's collection. 透过网际网路的博物馆网路展示教材,资讯与传达的技术经由展品的复制及再现,以创造、分享和保存博物馆文化的资源。
One way to do so might be to develop a vaccine that stimulates antibodies against amyloid beta-peptide 42. 达到这个目的的一条途径是开发出一种疫苗来刺激淀粉样贝塔-肽42的抗体。
One way to do this is to confine the anti-atoms in an inhomogenous magnetic field (one cannot use electric fields since the anti-atom is neutral) and interrogate them with lasers. 一个做这的方法就是在一个不均匀的磁场(由于反原子是中性的不能够使用电场)中限制反原子并且用激光识别它们。
One way to do this that is getting more popular is to force more air into the engine then it would normally draw in on its own. 单程为了做变得更受欢迎的这不强迫更多的空气然后的发动机它通常独立拉进来。
One way to fix the problem of the new message writing over the previous one is to keep a handle on the old String object. 修复这个问题(让新消息覆盖旧消息)的一个方法是保持一个旧文本对象的句柄。
One way to invest is through mutual funds. 一种投资方法就是通过共同基金。
One way to measure investors' concern is by their willingness to buy new debt investments. 资产流动也意味着债务市场的债台更容易高筑,这也正是担忧增加的所在。
One way to measure investors' concerns is by their willingness to buy new debt investment. 一种度量他们担忧的方式是看他们乐意购买新债投资的程度。
One way to preserve the integrity of the Rotary emblem is to take advantage of the many products available from RI World Headquarters and the international offices, such as sheets of camera-ready examples of the Rotary emblem in various sizes. 保持扶轮徽章的完整性的方法之一就是利用国际扶轮总部及国际办事处的许多成品,例如各种大小的扶轮徽章照相制版範本。
One way to reduce risk is to build flexibility into the operation. 降低风险的一个方法是建立操作的灵活性。

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