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According to Saussure, language is a sign system and the signifier and the signified, which form the signs, are unique in different languages.

According to Rotary history, Paul Harris was first inspired to form a club while walking with a colleague through a Chicago neighborhood that recalled the friendly small-town life of his boyhood. 限据扶轮历史记载,保罗?哈理斯在与一位同事走过芝加哥一个让他想起童年亲切小镇生活的社区时,第一次产生成立社团的念头。
According to Russian sources, China began work on its own carrier in 1999 at Shanghai Shipyard. 据俄方人士透露,中国开始对自己的工作,在1999年上海造船厂承运人.
According to Sabine Reul, who runs a Frankfurt-based translation company, translation tools have limited uses - and problems arise when web users expect too much from them. 据法兰克福一家翻译公司的老板萨拜因·勒尔说,翻译工具的用途是有限的,当使用者期望值过高的时候,问题就出现了。
According to Sandra, Bill's a normal, funny, rough, jean-wearing, flannel shirt guy, who has a great sense of humor and he is a brilliant carpenter. 据桑德拉说,比尔是个普普通通的男子,他风趣乐观,粗犷结实,总穿着牛仔服和法兰绒衬衫,他具有极强的幽默感,并做一手绝妙的木工活。
According to Sandy, I tend to like a neutral palette with the primary color red as an accent. 我在佛州的家看上去像一个大学公寓,到处塞满了东西。
According to Saussure, language is a sign system and the signifier and the signified, which form the signs, are unique in different languages. 依据索绪尔的语言学理论,语言是一个符号系统,构成语言符号的能指与所指在每一种语言中都是不同的。
According to Scripture, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire. 据圣经所述,他并没有死而是乘着燃火的马车上了天。
According to Self-perception theory, people undergo overjustification effect because by observing what they do and why they did it, the extrinsic motivation appears to be the main cause and so undermines their intrinsic motivation. 根据自体知觉理论,人们遭遇过度理由效应是由于——通过观察做了什么和做的原因,以为外在动机是主要的原因,这就破坏了内在动机。
According to Senior Engineer Li Juelong of the Logistics Department of the PLA Navy, coral reef close to the equatorial is short of freshwater resource due to intense heat, thus exploration of freshwater on these reefs has long been a hardnut problem in t 据海军后勤部高级工程师李决龙介绍,靠近赤道的珊瑚岛礁,酷暑炎热,淡水资源极其匮乏,在这些岛礁开采淡水是一个世界性难题。
According to Shapiro, who continued as leader of the multicenter study, its most important finding is the fact that even islet transplant recipients who never get off insulin or who return insulin use over time show real improvement. 也是这项多中心研究的领导者,认为最重要的发现是即使接受胰岛移植患者未能摆脱胰岛素治疗,或者又重新应用胰岛素,随着时间的延长,这些患者也会获得真正地改善。
According to Sky News, Bond's producers have offered the US President a cameo role as he leaves office in a few days' time. 小配角;唉,真失望,原来只是演出一个跑龙套的小角色,而且还是演出他自己。

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