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The plan was revived in 2001, when it was promoted as a crucial element of the Communist Party's Go West campaign.

The plan was disapproved 计划没有被通过。
The plan was executed on schedule. 这计画如期执行。
The plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule. 这计画比进度提前完成。
The plan was going well until his wife freed herself and called police, something Spencer had not anticipated, police said. 这个计划一直顺利进行,直到他的妻子挣脱了捆绑后用电话报了警,这可是斯潘瑟未曾预料到的。
The plan was made by ourselves. 计划是我们制定的。
The plan was revived in 2001, when it was promoted as a crucial element of the Communist Party's Go West campaign. 建设青藏铁路的计划在2001年获得了重生,那一年中国提出了“西部大开发计划”。
The plan we were all sop enthusiastic about seems less attractive when viewed in the cold light of day. 我们原先都对这计划抱有热望,但回过头来冷静地、切合实际地想一想,似乎计划的吸引力还不够。
The plan went off well. 计划进行得很顺利。
The plan will be based on broad estimates of the residential, commercial and office density for the development, and a view on the type of energy to be used. 这个规划将在对发展的居住,商业和办公建筑密度和能源形式运用的广泛估计的基础上建立。
The plan will rise up,please must moor the safety belt. 飞机将要起来,请系好安全带。
The plan would allow the wolves to live undisturbed in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. 这项计划将允许野狼呆在宁静的黄石国家公园和大提顿国家公园。

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