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King Xerxes asked Queen Esther, Who is he? Where is the man who has dared to do such a thing?

King Solomon made two hundred large shields of hammered gold; six hundred bekas of gold went into each shield. 16所罗门王用锤出来的金子打成挡牌二百面,每面用金子六百舍客勒。
King Solomon was famous for his wisdom. 所罗门王因他的智慧而闻名。
King Songtsen Gampo*s reign saw the establishment of the Jokhang and Ramoche temples and the construction of a fort on the site of what much later was to become the Potala palace in Lhasa. 松赞干布统治时代修建了大昭寺和小昭寺,还在很久以后成为拉萨布达拉宫的地方修筑了一座堡垒。
King Suddhodana envisioned the future for the Prince and hoped that he would grow up to be a Cakravarti, not only good at ruling his own country, but also capable of unifying all India to become the World's eminent monarch. 国王憧憬着太子的未来,希望能成为‘转轮圣王’,不但善于治理本国,而且能统一全印度,成为世界英明的君主。
King Twala at dead sleep and said, ’ You do not speak falsely about your power. 王Twala然后说:「你并没有说错你的能力。」
King Xerxes asked Queen Esther, Who is he? Where is the man who has dared to do such a thing? 5亚哈随鲁王问王后以斯帖说、擅敢起意如此行的是谁、这人在哪里呢。
King Xerxes replied to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, Because Haman attacked the Jews, I have given his estate to Esther, and they have hanged him on the gallows. 7亚哈随鲁王对王后以斯帖,和犹大人末底改说,因哈曼要下手害犹大人,我已将他的家产赐给以斯帖,人也将哈曼挂在木架上。
King asked civil rights activists to remain nonviolent as they worked to lift racial oppression. 金恩要求民权积极份子在进行改善种族压迫行动时,必须保持非暴力的形式。
King came in the morning, and found everything as he had desired, he straightway made her his wife, and the miller`s daughter became a queen. 次日清晨,国王又来了,发现一切如愿以偿,就娶了磨坊主的女儿做王后。
King comes back home late. He come home at a quarter past six. The children _get__back in their father's car.They usually _come__back home before five. 金先生回家很晚。他6点十五分到家。孩子们坐父亲的车回家。他们经常在5点之前回家。
King likens himself to Antigone at one point. Is he right to do so? Which in your view is the stronger character, King or Antigone? 国王对安提冈尼的行动。他做的正确吗?在你看来谁是主角?国王或是安提冈尼?

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