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Shame I couldn't speak turtle!

Shamans can wear medium armor and can use one-handed blunt weapons, two handed piercing weapons, and shields. 萨满能装备中甲并可使用单手钝器,双手穿刺武器和盾牌。
Shamans – Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow. One of the upgrades, when engaged in hand-to-hand combat will curse (Slow, Weakness, Curse, Disrupting ray) the opponent. 人类和魅魔的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。其中一种升级在近身战时会诅咒敌手(减速,虚弱,诅咒和瓦解)。
Shambhala forms a gateway between the physical and spiritual realms. 香巴拉在物质和精神领域之间形成一个入口。
Shambhala is a magical land which is shaped like an eight-petalled lotus flower. 香巴拉是一朵像八瓣莲花形成的魔术陆地。
Shambhala is the name given to one of these places. 香巴拉就是提供这些地方名字之一。
Shame I couldn't speak turtle! 可惜我不会说海龟语,真遗憾!
Shame destroys and displaces self-esteem. 4羞愧会摧毁自尊、放逐自尊。
Shame is not on God's agenda for us. 对神而言,羞耻不是我们的议题。
Shame on you for treating your family like that. 那样对待你的家人,你真丢脸!
Shamed and said: I am a sinner, let me go , Lord! 愧言:我是罪人,让我离去吧,主!
Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行,无耻行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格

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