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At birth the newborn baby discovers the face of his mother and, from that moment on he will live in almost absolute symbiosis with her, confident in her constant presence and confident in her love.

At best, therefore, the extra defences can offer a little bit of extra insurance in a crisis, by helping to persuade an aggressor that an attack, or a threatened one in an attempt at nuclear blackmail, might well fail and invite retribution instead. 因此,新的防御系统能够充其量使那些挑衅者明白一次进攻或者核讹诈威胁很难得逞,甚至很有可能招致反击,这样能在危难时刻提供些许额外的安全保障。
At best, they say that her power was of Satan. 他们顶多说她的力量来自撒旦。
At best, this produces uneasy compromises between consumers and business—examples include the deal over car emissions and the extraordinarily strict rules governing every aspect of the chemicals industry. 这充其量会使企业和消费者之间相互妥协,虽让双方都不情愿——关于汽车尾气排放以及针对相关化学行业的特别严格管理条例就是例子。
At best, we might master the face of joy. 甚至我们还可以由此拥有一张快乐的面孔。
At birth the cubs weigh little more than a pound [half a kilogram], with hair so fine it's nearly invisible. 幼熊生下来的时候只有一磅多一点(半公斤),纤细的毛发几乎看不见。
At birth the newborn baby discovers the face of his mother and, from that moment on he will live in almost absolute symbiosis with her, confident in her constant presence and confident in her love. 宝宝在出生后第一个认识的是妈妈的脸,大部份时间只依赖妈妈一个人,宝宝变得很习惯有妈妈的存在与爱。
At birth, the cub is helpless, and it takes considerable effort on the mother's part to raise it. 熊猫幼仔在出生时是无助的,靠它母亲可观的努力得以成活。
At board meetings you have to get used to the formality of the language. 参加董事会议必须习惯那些古板的语言。
At bottom, its attractiveness is based more on structural factors—or, more accurately, on an illusion about structural differences between the American and European economies. 实际上,它的魅力之处更多的是来自结构性因素——或者更确切地说,是建立在美欧经济结构不同的幻觉之上。
At bottom, the North Korean threat depends on where you sit. 实际上,朝鲜具有多大的威胁在于各国的立场。
At bottom, the essence of spectacular time is alienated consumptive time. 说到底,景观时间的本质就是异化消费时间。

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