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During his 4-year term of office,he did a lot of things for the common people.

During her study at school, she has won the scholarships for many times. 在校学习期间,多次获学习优秀奖学金。
During her swing through the region, Ms Rice was at pains to reassure all involved that America respected North Korea\'s sovereignty. 当她在周旋在这之中时,赖斯尽力安抚,她重申美国尊重朝鲜主权。
During her teaching in National University of Defence Technology, as one of the students' favorite teachers she also taught leading carders Strategy of Economic Development and acquired the honorable title of “excellent instructor in the education of prin 在国防科技大学工作期间,曾连续十年为厅处级领导干部讲授《经济发展战略》课程,是最受学生欢迎的老师之一,曾荣获“省级干部教育优秀教师”光荣称号,曾被评为国防科技大学“巾帼建功”标兵;另外还为系统工程专业的博士生讲授《数量经济学》课程。
During her time in America, Ms Wu has daringly expanded the pipa's range, playing jazz, bluegrass4 and Bollywood5 with eclectic instrumentalists—and inspiring numerous works from prominent composers. 在美国期间,吴女士大胆扩展了琵琶的演奏范围,与电子乐器手共同弹奏爵士乐、蓝草音乐、宝莱坞电影音乐,并且激发一些知名作曲家谱写了众多作品。
During her twelve years as Arkansas first lady, Hillary Clinton became a well-known activist for women and children. 在身为阿肯色州州长夫人的12年里,希拉里·克林顿成了知名的妇幼运动人士。
During his 4-year term of office,he did a lot of things for the common people. (在他四年的任职期间,他为普通百姓做了不少事。)
During his absence from Guangzhou his co-workers did a lot of work. 他不在广州的这些日子里,他的同事做了不少工作。
During his ascension to Emperor, Palpatine traveled in a distinctive tri-winged shuttle that was a harbinger of Imperial design trends to come. 在帕尔帕丁向皇帝蜕变的过程中,他坐的是有特色的三翼穿梭机,这是帝国设计倾向的预兆。
During his childhood, youth and maturity, the Rooster will often have problems and his life will be strewn with ups and downs. 在他童年和少年的成长期间,属鸡的人经常遇到难题,生活七上八落。
During his first year in college, he work as a bottle washer in a laboratory in the evening. 大学一年级的时候,他晚上在一个实验室里当洗瓶子的工人。
During his first year in college, he worked as a bottle washer in a laboratory in the evening. 大学一年级的时候,他晚上在一个实验室里当洗瓶子的工人。

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