If the economy is to diversify beyond its natural-resources core, that is alarming.
如果俄罗斯不以自然资源为本而欲谋求经济多样化发展,就不能不让人为之捏把汗了。 |
If the economy stumbles again before inflation is put back in its box, he will face a much tougher test.
如果在通胀还未回到潘多拉盒子里面时经济就出现问题的话,他还会面临更加严峻的考验。 |
If the edge has a sharpness value of 1.0, the edge will have a brighter color, and if sharpness value is 0.0, the edge will not be so bright.
如果该边的锐利度值为1.0时,那么该边将有着非常亮的颜色;反之锐利度值为0.0时,那么该边是没有亮度的。 |
If the elder does not speak to us, we should respectfully stand aside.
如果长辈没有说话,要退一边恭敬地站著。 |
If the electric charges in the two stars are supposed to be equal, it can be calculated according to the Kulun's theorem that 19100 nuclear unity masses must have one electron, such that the electromagnetic force produced can provide enough centrifugal fo
假定两星所带的电荷数量相等,根据库仑定律,我们可以计算出,在两星中平均每19100个原子单位质量,就必须带有一个电子电荷,所产生的静电引力才能够提供足够的向心力。 |
If the electric heat trace pipes need to be steamed,power must be off two hours before.
通电的伴热管道如需蒸汽扫线,必须在停电二小时后进行>。 |
If the electrical service was configured correctly,the melter control panel will display [red]dashes[/red].
如果电气设备安装正确,喷胶机的控制面板上就会显示破折号(?)。 |
If the electrical service was configured correctly,the melter control panel will display dashes.
如果电气设备安装正确,喷胶机的控制面板上就会显示破折号(?)。 |
If the electricity goes off, they have candles in store in the closet.
如果断电的话,他们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。 |
If the electronic contract litigant does not have behavior ability which the traditional contract litigant must have, his/her subject identity is still qualified for the contract when the transaction object executes the reasonable duty of care.
如果电子合同当事人不具备传统合同当事人反当具备的行为能力,在交易对象尽到了合理的注意义务的条件下其主体身份仍然是合格的。 |
If the electrons are spinning at random, these fields cancel each other out.
如果电子随机地自转,各电子所产生的磁场会彼此抵消。 |