Since the reform and opening-up of China, especially these recent years, Shijiazhuang has achieved quick development in economy, and paid much attention to the opening up to the outside world, actively developing friendly co-operation relationship with al
中国改革开放以来,特别是近几年,石家庄在经济上取得了突飞猛进发展的同时,还格外注重对外开放,积极发展与世界各国,各地区的友好合作关系,不断拓展对外交流渠道,努力树立河北省对外窗口的形象,并以积极开放的姿态关应新来朋友与石家庄市建立友好合作关系。 |
Since the reform, the policies the state unceasingly promulgates for its readjustment improve the structure and make it more reasonable.
改革开放后,国家不断出台相应的产业结构调整政策,使中国的产业结构得到了较好的改进,逐渐趋于合理。 |
Since the reforming and opening, the transformation and application of agricultural sci-tech achievements in Shaanxi province have gained great progress, but there are still many problems, such as, lower transformation rate, inadequate fund, backward syst
摘要改革开放以来,陕西农业科技成果转化应用取得了长足发展,但也存在著农业科技成果转化率低、资金投入不足、体制落后、队伍不稳、农民文化素质较低等诸多问题。 |
Since the regional policy came out in 1975, it has undergone three reshuffle, each time relating to the expansion of EU (European Community).
地区政策自1975年问世以来先后经历了3次改革,每一次改革都同欧盟(欧共体)扩大有关。 |
Since the release of The Meaning and Importance of Existence in Aquinas's Philosophyin 2004, the writer has been thinking about and writing On Being and Personality in the Light of Yi-Jing and Yi-Zhuan.This latter paper proceeds along three parts: first,
摘要笔者于二○○四年陆续发表〈多玛斯哲学中「存在的意义和重要性」〉一文后,开始思考并着手写〈由《易经》和《易传》看「存在」和「人格」〉一文,共分三段:一、观物取象的意义和重要性,二、由自然、人文、宗教「三界说」探讨周易哲学的内涵,三、由《易经》之结构看人格的形成及养成。 |
Since the release of Eminem's Stan everyone's been raving about the beautiful voice in the song.
自从艾米纳姆的歌曲《斯坦》推出后,人人都对那首歌中的美妙歌喉赞不绝口。 |
Since the repeater itself should be more or less constant to you, you're just helping the other station figure out how well they are making it to the repeater.
因为中继台始终是与你直接联系的,你要做的仅仅是帮助其他的电台指出他们到中继台的信号如何! |
Since the role of the modern barista goes beyond the espresso machine and the grinder itself the tests will also include other brewing methods and and also general coffee knowledge.
因为现代咖啡师的作用已经超越了意式咖啡机和磨豆机的范围,所以我们的测试将会包括其它制作工具的使用,和一般咖啡知识。 |
Since the sample survey 1987 of the disabled in China, the incessant development of China's economy and society has generated a huge progress regarding the ratio of and reasons for the occurrence of disability, convalescence demands, and many other fundam
1987年中国国残疾人抽样调查以后,随着中国经济和社会的不断发展,残疾人的发生率、致残原因、康复需求等残疾人基本情况发生了很大变化。 |
Since the sand faced-iron mould has high rigidity, it is possible, when used for crankshafts production, to adopt feeder-less foundry method and increase the process yield, as well as increase dimension accuracy of castings and improve surface quality of
由于覆砂铁型刚度较高,用于球铁件能实现无冒口铸造,提高工艺出品率,并能提高铸件尺寸精度,改善表面质量。 |
Since the scandal was uncovered in July, the director of Shanghai's Municipal Labour and Social Security Bureau, Zhu Junyi, and a district government chief, Qin Yu, have been sacked.
丑闻在7月份被披露,上海市劳动和社会保障局局长祝均一和一名区长,秦裕因此被撤职。 |