Due to the discrepancy of language and culture, many culture-bound words exist in source language and target language respectively.
摘要由于语言与文化的差异,源语言和目的语分别存在着许许多多的文化局限词。 |
Due to the dissatisfied with the previous land-revolution novels which used to distort the truth of history, and with his sense of responsibility for history and intense consciousness, YouFengwei, tried to make clear the complexity in human nature and des
摘要出于对以往土改小说歪曲历史真实的不满,尤凤伟以高度的历史责任感和自觉意识,通过表现历史运动中人性的复杂性,以及爱与死亡之间复杂关系的描写,去介入历史,还原历史,实现了对既有土改小说叙事模式的超越。 |
Due to the draconian measures of martial law, the communities and groups also could not organize themselves to protect their resources and their environment.
且由于戒严法的严格规範,社区和团体也无法组织起来保护他们拥有的资源和环境。 |
Due to the effect of climate condition and other many factors, the perfection of their own designs is attached more importance in many high-rise building designs, so the concerted design of high-rise building and urban enviroment is often ignored in the n
摘要由于气候条件和其他诸多因素的影响,我国北方地区许多高层建筑设计表现了更重视自身设计的完善,而忽视了高层建筑与城市环境的协调设计。 |
Due to the energy distribution difference between targets and nature texture background in wavelet multiscale decomposing, the energy signature of sub-bands coefficients can be chosen as a simple but effective characterization of spatial texture.
在小波变换域,纹理背景和目标区域的多级小波系数具有不同的能量分布,能量特徵可作为简单、有效的空间特徵来检测目标。 |
Due to the enormous volume and complexity of the data required for the accreditation process, both the organizing agency and the applicants spend insurmountable efforts in preparing, collecting, and reviewing the data.
由于申请评鑑所需提供书面资料数量庞大、内容及格式复杂,不论评鑑主办单位,或是申请评鑑单位均为了该资料之准备、整理、审阅,耗费为数可观之人力、物力及时间资源。 |
Due to the ever increasing gap between the need of infrastructure facilities and the availability of public budgets worldwide BOT/PPP models became a procurement alternative of public infrastructure providers during the last 15 years.
由于公共财政预算与基础设施建设之间的资金缺口日益扩大,过去十五年以来,BOT/PPP模式已成为公共基础设施建设的另一种方式。 |
Due to the excellent contribution of many fabulous tacticians over the last year, TT&F has developed into a tactics guide par excellence, but, it does have its limitations and pitfalls.
去年,由于有很多难以置信的战术家们作出的卓越贡献,TT&F(即本文)已经发展成为了一篇非常优秀的战术指引,不过,它仍然有局限性和陷阱。 |
Due to the excellent quality-price ratio and distinct characteristics, so that we become fashionable office furniture arena a dazzling star.
由于极佳的质量价格比和鲜明的特色,使我们成为办公家具时尚舞台中一颗耀眼的明星。 |
Due to the extreme difficulty and long delay of employer-sponsored immigrant visa (green card) petitions, more and more foreign scholars and students want to file Eb2 National Interest Waiver to obtain their permanent residence status.
由于目前通过美国公司申请绿卡非常困难,且旷日持久,越来越多的中国学者和学生在校期间通过国家利益豁免申请绿卡。 |
Due to the extreme heat, the amber changed its color first to green and then to blue.
由于高温这些琥珀的颜色发生了改变,先是绿色,然后变成了蓝色。 |