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I have kept silent for a long time, I have kept still and restrained Myself. Now like a woman in labor I will groan, I will both gasp and pant.

I have had it with you. I quit。she screamed at the students. Cool,Rick said nodding in approval. He was the rudest kid she'd ever met. 我受够你们了,我辞职!她朝学生们喊道。酷毙了,雷克说,一边还点头表示赞同。他是她曾遇到过的最没有礼貌的小孩。
I have had quite a few one-to-one chats with Steve and that is one of the things he is really good at,he added. 我已经和教练进行和一些单独的谈话,而这时他擅长的事情之一。
I have heard the insults of Moab and the taunts of the Ammonites, who insulted my people and made threats against their land. 8我听见摩押人的毁谤、和亚扪人的辱骂、就是毁谤我的百姓、自夸自大、侵犯他们的境界。
I have high hopes for the new season with two Premiership titles already ours. 在已经有了两个英超冠军头衔的基础上,下赛季我有更高的目标。
I have invested in young players and it is a definite decision unless we have a disaster with injuries. “我们目前是要锻炼年轻队员,这是很明确的一个目标,除非有很严重的伤病情况。”
I have kept silent for a long time, I have kept still and restrained Myself. Now like a woman in labor I will groan, I will both gasp and pant. 赛42:14我许久闭口不言、静默不语、现在我要喊叫像产难的妇人、我要急气而喘哮。
I have led you forty years in the wilderness; your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandal has not worn out on your foot. 申29:5我领你们在旷野四十年、你们身上的衣服并没有穿破、脚上的鞋也没有穿坏。
I have lived long enough; my way of life is falling into the sear , the yellow leaf. 我已经活得够久的了;我的生命已经日益枯萎,像片凋谢的黄叶。
I have lived long enough; my way of life is falling into the sear, the yellow leaf. 我已经活得够久的了;我的生命已经日益枯萎,像片凋谢的黄叶。
I have lost my dewdrop, cries the flower to the morning sky that has lost all its stars. 花朵向星辰落尽了的曙天叫道:我的露点全失落了。
I have lost my dewdrop,cries the flower to the morning sky that has lost all its stars. 花朵向星辰落尽的晨空叫道:“我失去了我的露珠。”

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