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The star's representatives say the bag contained asthma medicine and some jewelry.

The star test is lightning-fast and requires only a good high-power eyepiece. 光轴矫正是快速的并且要求需要高倍数的目镜。
The star turn in our show tonight will be a group of Chinese acrobats. 我们今天晚上节目中最精彩的是中国杂技表演.
The star was chosen unanimously by the non-profit organization's selection committee which honors career achievements, Variety magazin reports. 报道,获奖的影星是由授予这个职业里成就突出者荣誉的非营利组织委员会全体委员一致选定的。
The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off. 那个明星迅速上了一辆汽车疾驶而去。
The star's representative say the bag contain some asthma medicine and some jewelry. 明星代表说,包里有些气喘药和一些珠宝。
The star's representatives say the bag contained asthma medicine and some jewelry. 这位明星的代言人说包里有治哮喘病的药以及一些珠宝首饰。
The star, whose Secrethit the big screen in July as a box-office front runner, is planning mini stage dramas for his upcoming Shanghai concert on Nov. 24, as reported. 据报道,周杰伦的《不能说的秘密》6月份作为票房领跑者初登荧幕,而他则计划为11月24日在上海举办的演唱会当中设置迷你舞台。
The starch is purified to Grade I of National Standard by 18-26 groups of vortex machines with reversal flow cleaning process for removal of the protein and impurities. 旋流器,净化淀粉采用18-26组旋流器逆流洗涤工艺除去蛋白质和轻杂物,使淀粉达到国家标准。
The starchy root of any of these plants, used in the tropics as food. 山药,甘薯这些植物的含淀粉根,在热带用作食物
The starred dishes on the menu are suitable for vegetarians. 菜单上标有星号的菜最宜食素者选用。
The stars and moon in The Starry Night are unusually bright, their light swirling above the darkening hills. 《星夜》中的星星和月亮异常地明亮,它们的光亮在阴霾的山丘上打转。

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