Include water supply series (such as drinking bowl, drinking nipple, trough etc), animal housing &shed construction series, ear mark and ear mark forceps series, injector series,fodder barrel etc; Our company also engage in agro-machine fittings, and all |
中文意思: 宁波正成机械有限公司专业生产畜牧饲养产品,包括家畜用饮水系列(饮水器,饮水碗,饲料盆等),家畜用饲养棚结构;家畜用耳标钳,注射器,耳标系列;家畜用栏杆绝缘钉系列,饲料桶等;是为众多大型养殖场设备供货的专业生产厂家。 |
Include raw data in the form in which it was collected.
包括最初所收集之原始数据。 |
Include some London slang in your plan!
那就在你的计划里加一些伦敦俚语! |
Include the name and contact information for your district public relations committee chair on the District Appointment form, located in chapter 12, to ensure that public relations materials from RI will reach them.
请在〝地区委任表〞上详填您地区公共关系委员会主委的姓名及联络资料,该表格请参考本手册第十二章,以确保他们会收到国际扶轮的公共关系资料。 |
Include the portions of your subject that you feel are most interesting and important.
把主体中你认为最重要和最令人感兴趣的部分包含进来。 |
Include water planning and dynamic economy, hydropower engineering investigation, planning, design, construction, operation and management. hydraulic machinery and electrical equipment in the design, manufacture, installation and operation of the relevant
内容包括水能规划及动态经济,水电工程勘测、规划、设计、施工和运行管理,水力机械及电气设备的设计、制造、安装和运行等有关方面的科技论文、试验研究、生产经验总结、调查研究等,并适当介绍国外水电建设经验。 |
Include water supply series (such as drinking bowl, drinking nipple, trough etc), animal housing &shed construction series, ear mark and ear mark forceps series, injector series,fodder barrel etc; Our company also engage in agro-machine fittings, and all
宁波正成机械有限公司专业生产畜牧饲养产品,包括家畜用饮水系列(饮水器,饮水碗,饲料盆等),家畜用饲养棚结构;家畜用耳标钳,注射器,耳标系列;家畜用栏杆绝缘钉系列,饲料桶等;是为众多大型养殖场设备供货的专业生产厂家。 |
Include yogurt and other cultured, soured dairy products in your diet.
在你的饮食中包含酸奶酪和其它好品质的,酸的日常产品. |
Include your child in family cleanup routines so he can learn by watching and doing.
让孩子参与家里的日常清洁整理中,让他通过看和做来学习。 |
Include your company's full name, address, postal code and telephone/fax number.
包括贵公司的全称、地址、邮政编码、电话及传真。 |
Included are jewelry, such as necklaces, rings, watches and earrings (including posts), unattached earplugs, hairpins, etc.
包括珠宝,如项链、戒指、手表和耳环(包括柱),独立耳塞,发卡等。 |
Included are sessions on anatomical, ablation, neurophysiological, and computer modeling techniques, and ways these techniques are used to study brain function.
包括许多堂有关解剖、摘除、神经生理学、和运用计算机模拟的技巧,以及如何利用这些技巧研究脑部功能。 |