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I'm willing,said the other.

I'm trying to pop out this dent, but it's not really working. “我正在试着让那个坑鼓起来,但这个办法似乎并不管用。”
I'm trying to push myself and get ready as soon as possible,Clemens said in Tampa, Fla. last week. But I'm trying to be smart about it as well. 火箭人上周在坦帕时表示希望自己能以最快的速度把状态调整到最佳,”无论如何,我会找到捷径的”。
I'm very happy for the city,Bryant said. The city is used to championships and I am as well. “这太好了,对这城市来说,”科比说,“洛山矶习惯成为冠军城市,我也是。”
I'm very keen to get round training grounds over the coming weeks and see people face to face. “我非常渴望在接下来的数周去各俱乐部训练地多转转,跟人们面对面的交流。
I'm very pleased to meet you,the matron said, I'm his mother! “很高兴认识你,”护士长说,“我是他的母亲。”
I'm willing,said the other. “愿意奉陪。”另一个说。
I've a big fight on my hands next season. If I get good rehab, though, I'll be out to come back better and sharper. “韦恩(布里奇)让人难以置信。他不只是一位伟大的球员更是一个好朋友。他在赛季末证明了自己有多么优秀。”
I've a tight working schedule every day, and the stress and tension can easily upset my intestines and bowel movements. 「我每日要应付忙碌的工作,因此很容易影响肠道健康和排便习惯。
I've always been fascinated with space and always wondered about the mysteries of space and wanted to be able to experience it firsthand,the Texas woman said in a telephone interview from the launch site at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. 「我对太空一直心向往之,也常常神游神秘的太空,我希望能有第一手体验,」这位德州妇女从发射地点哈萨克贝康诺太空中心接受电话访问时表示。
I've always been hideously noisy on stage, that's where I get my own back. “我在舞台上总是制造很多噪音,那是我可以找回自己的地方。”
I've always had belief in my ability but my philosophy has always been one of self-improvement. “我一直都相信自己的能力,不过自我完善也一直都是我的处事哲学。”

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