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Free from the humdrum routine of an earthbound existence, the Baron had fantastic adventures with pirates, women and spies, and still had time to read, study, and ponder the deeper issues of the period.

Free for accompanied children under 16 years of age. 所带16以下岁儿童免费。
Free from Particular Average is good enough. 只保平安险就可以了。
Free from emotional disorder. 情绪正常的没有情绪混乱的
Free from hesitation or vacillation; resolute. 坚定的毫不犹豫的或毫不迟疑的;坚决的
Free from infirmity or illness; sound. 健壮的没有衰弱和疾病现象的;健康的
Free from the humdrum routine of an earthbound existence, the Baron had fantastic adventures with pirates, women and spies, and still had time to read, study, and ponder the deeper issues of the period. 从地上那种单调乏味的生活中摆脱出来以后,柯西莫男爵有了和海盗,美女,间谍在一起的传奇经历,还有时间来读书,学习,并且思考一些他那个时代深层次的问题。
Free from the pollution of leprosy or other contagious disease. 没有痲疯病污染或其他传染疾病。
Free from the trouble of powerless when you are out of door, on traveling, on the way of business trip. 免去出门在外,旅游,出差在路途中手机没有电的烦恼。
Free from traditional social or moral constraints. 任意的不受传统的社会或道德限制的
Free internet service. The internet wire is on the writing desk. Virtually dial to the internet with IDSL. The user's name and password are pasted on the modem. 免费宽带网。网线设在写字桌上边,使用IDSL虚拟拔号上网,用户名称和密码贴在“调制解调器”上。
Free kick to Cagliari 25 yards out after Cambiasso handles a Rossoblu pass. 坎比亚索用手阻挡对方的传递,卡利亚里赢得一个25米开外的任意球。

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