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Yet despite rumours of a joint Pearson-GE bid, no such offer materialised.

Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. 15但不要以他为仇人,要劝他如弟兄。
Yet cyclical factors only partly explain why the dollar has been strong. 然而周期性因素仅仅部分解释美元一直坚挺的原因。
Yet dealing with lots of wireless gadgets everywhere is an unpractised art. 和无处不在的无线装置打交道是一门新技艺,以前并没有多少这方面的实践。
Yet deictic expressions may exhibit features of nonspecificity, semantic ambiguity, semantic ambivalence, pragmatic ambiguity, pragmatic ambivalence, etc. as regards interpretation. 然而,指示词语在话语中可引起“有定与无定”、“语义歧义”、“语义含混”、“语用歧义”、“语用模糊”、“包含与不包含”、“泛指与特指”等指称意义不明的情况。
Yet despite its familiarity, we still do not know what causes lightning. 不过,纵然我们与闪电关系密切,但是对其成因却依旧毫无概念。
Yet despite rumours of a joint Pearson-GE bid, no such offer materialised. 尽管皮尔逊集团与通用电气联合收购的传闻不断,但这种行动并未落实。
Yet despite their success, the economic pressures on Vermont's small dairy producers continue to grow. 尽管他们取得了成功,但是针对佛蒙特州小型乳品生产者的经济压力却有增无减。
Yet despite their ubiquity remarkably few nonengineers have heard the word “embedded” used in this context. 放眼望去,可以肯定,你会很快在你的家中发现几十个嵌入式系统,在你身上至少也能发现几个。
Yet despite these far-fetched plots, what makes King's stories so effective is that he manages to make what he writes believable. 这些情节虽然脱离现实,然其故事之所以动人就在于他成功地让作品具有信服力。
Yet despite this, Confucianism is not an easy fit for the party. 尽管如此,对共产党而言,儒家思想也并不十分“合身”。
Yet did the physician, in his dark way, creep frightfully near the secret. 不过,医生以他那不为人知的手段,已经可怕地爬近了秘密。

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