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In China,accountants rely on four fundamental accounting assumptions in recording business transactions:(1)business entity concept,(2)going concern concept.(3)periodicity assumption,(4)stable monetary unit assumption.

In China, we have dinner with chopsticks and spoon, but in western, people use fork and knife to have dinner. 在中国,吃饭用的是筷子和汤勺;在西方,吃饭用的是刀和叉。
In China, where most families are allowed only one child, baby-related businesses are bracing for an influx of piglets . 在中国,大部分家庭只能有一个孩子,因此,为奔金猪而来的“小猪潮”将带动一系列婴儿相关产业链。
In China, with economic growth around 10 per cent a year and structural reform ongoing, that is not an outlandish expectation. 由于中国的经济增长率维持在每年10%左右,加之结构改革仍在推进,这并非一个高得离谱的期望。
In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in Western countries. 在中国,你有时可以得到一块温热的餐巾擦洗手、脸。然而在西方国家就没有这样的习俗。
In China,Mitsui Babcock has its regional head office in Shanghai, representative office in Beijing and project team in Wuhan. 在中国,三井巴布科克已在上海成立了公司,在北京设立了代表处,并在武汉组建了项目组。
In China,accountants rely on four fundamental accounting assumptions in recording business transactions:(1)business entity concept,(2)going concern concept.(3)periodicity assumption,(4)stable monetary unit assumption. 在中国,会计人员在记录经济业务过程中遵循以下4条基本会计假设:会计主体,持续经营,会计分期,货币计量。
In China,no criminals can be released on bail. 在中国,没有罪犯可以交保释金而获释.
In China,the needle treatment dates from ancient times. 在中国,针灸疗法起源于古代。
In China,we develop our own CPU dragon chip,what about your opinion? 中国成功自主开发了CPU芯片,请问您对此的看法?
In China-ASEAN Expo, a great international economic event, cultural strength not only promotes the formation and development of the kernel competitiveness of China-ASEAN Expo with its unique function, but also makes the Expo a benchmark, improves its attr 摘要在中国-东盟博览会这一国际性经贸盛会中,文化力以其独特的功能,不仅推动了博览会核心竞争力的形成和发展,而且以丰富深厚的文化内涵,提升了博览会的品牌价值,以独特绚丽的文化经营,提高了博览会的吸引力,并以丰富多彩的文化产业项目,扩展了博览会的经营张力。
In China: north eastern provinces (formerly Manchuria), Gansu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi provinces. 于中国大陆分布于东北﹐甘肃﹐浙江﹐广东﹐广西等地。

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