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In recent years, the strikingly launching of style 2000 franchised dealership in large and medium cities of the whole country has paved a characteristic management path for style 2000 known as “to foster an image with brand, to open up market with brand”.

In recent years, the organization has waged a vigorous battle agai t global piracy. 近年来,美国电影联合会一直针对全球性的盗版行为展开强有力的围剿。
In recent years, the overall industrial structure of Pudong has witnessed rapid updates and six pillar industries have taken shape: automobile industry headed by General Motors joint ventures manufacturing Buick cars, electronics-information industry pion 近年来,浦东的整体工业快速更新,出现了六大支柱产业,即以生产别克轿车的上海通用汽车合资企业为领袖的汽车产业,以生产大规模集成电路的中日合资企业为龙头的电子信息产业,以生产不锈钢的中德合资企业为骨干的钢铁产业,以中德中美合资企业为主体的石油化工和精细化工产业,以中日合资企业为代表的家用电器产业,以上海医药工业和一批世界著名医药企业联手发展起来的生物制药产业。
In recent years, the problem of hub-airport siting and flight route network design has been of extensive concern to the civil aviation industry. 摘要枢纽机场选址与航线网络优化问题是近年来受到民航业界广泛关注的热点问题之一。
In recent years, the problems of co-ordination have grown with the size and complexity of operations. 近年来,随着救援行动的规模和复杂程度的提高,协调问题不断增加。
In recent years, the rapid development of cutting tool materials is obviously along with the development of coating technology and processing industry. 摘要随着涂层技术及加工业的发展,近年来国内外刀具材料发展迅速。
In recent years, the strikingly launching of style 2000 franchised dealership in large and medium cities of the whole country has paved a characteristic management path for style 2000 known as “to foster an image with brand, to open up market with brand”. 近年,风格2000特许加盟形象店在全国各大中城市的亮丽登场,成就了风格2000“以品牌树形象,以品牌创市场”的特色经营之路。
In recent years, the structure and functions of the FTMO in China had great changes, and appeared the tendency of syncretism with the modern circulation mode, such as, exposition, chain management, and electronic business. 近年来,我国集贸式市场的组织形态及其功能都发生了重大变化,出现了与博览会、连锁经营、电子商务等现代流通业态相融合的趋势。
In recent years, the study on the degradation of organic pollutants in water by ultrasound is very active. 摘要近年来,超声降解水体中有机污染物的研究十分活跃。
In recent years, the summer in Beijing hass become hotter and hotter. 这几年,北京的夏天越来越热。
In recent years, the upsurge of education industrialization has spread to all levels of China's education, particularly in the field of higher education, which has brought about considerable impact on educational theory and practice. 摘要近年来,“教育产业化”已成为一股热潮蔓延到我国各级各类教育,高等教育领域表现尤为突出,对教育理论与实践带来了很大冲击。
In recent years, there has been a clear trend in enterprise performance assessment towards introducing non-financial indicators into the indicator system, a typical example of which is Kaplan and Norton's balanced score measurement. 摘要近年来,企业业绩评价的一个显著趋势是在业绩评价指标体系中引入非财务指标,其典型代表是卡普兰和诺顿的平衡记分测评法。

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