Cloning,Sequence Analysis and the Prediction of the Protein Structure of SigmaB Operon Sequence of Xinjiang Strain XS5 of Listeria monocytogenes
单核细胞增生李斯特菌新疆野毒株XS5 SigmaB操纵子的克隆、序列分析及其编码蛋白结构预测 |
Bioactivity of the Recombinant Staphylococcal Enterotoxin Q and Its Structure Relationship Analysis
重组葡萄球菌肠毒素SEQ的生物活性及其结构关系分析 |
Cloning of miR-TH and construction of its lentiviral expression vector
miR-TH克隆及慢病毒载体的构建 |
Lianas Species Composition in Vatica mangachapoi Forest in Bawangling,Hainan Island
海南霸王岭青梅林群落藤本植物的物种组成特征 |
动物分类学报第35卷总目次 |
Effect of Transferring-Culturing to the Numbers of Mesopleuron Seta of Drosophila meganster Meigen
转接培养对黑腹果蝇中胸侧板刚毛数的影响 |
Construction,Expression and Preliminary Pharmacokinetic Analysis of IL-1ra Mutants
IL-1ra突变体的构建、表达及初步的药代动力学分析 |
The Heterologous Expression and Functional Identification of the Gene At2G34450 in High Mobility Group B Proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana
拟南芥高迁移率族蛋白B族基因At2G34450的表达及功能鉴定 |
Report Ⅱ on Lepidoptera in the Headstreams of Fenhe River in Guancen Mountain,Shanxi
管涔山汾源鳞翅目昆虫考察报告Ⅱ |
Changing From a Standard qPCR Experiment to a Fast qPCR Experiment
从常规的定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR)实验到快速qPCR实验的转变 |
Thermophilic Microorganisms Diversity in the Underground Cold Environment of Scientific Test Well MK-1 in Mohe Basin
漠河盆地科学钻探井MK-1地下冷环境中嗜热微生物的多样性分析 |