HKBN will send all notice to the customers in such manner as HKBN shall deem appropriate.
「香港宽频」有权以其认为合适的方法发出各种的通知给予客户。 |
HKBU had sent a delegation of 13 students to Boston this year, including 4 from BBA.
浸大代表队由十三位学生组成,其中四名为商管生。 |
HKBU has received a donation of HK$5 million from the Lee Shau Kee Foundation in support of the University's development including the territory's first Academy of Visual Arts.
浸会大学喜获李兆基基金会捐赠五百万港元,以支持浸大的发展,包括全港首家视觉艺术院。 |
HKBU organised a series of activities entitled the Brilliance of Civilizationto celebrate the conferment of honorary degrees on four distinguished persons at the University's 47th Commencement last Tuesday (14 November).
浸大最近举行「文明的光辉」活动,为颁授荣誉博士志庆。活动中四位荣誉博士主持公开讲座等活动,分享他们在专业和学术领域上的独特见解。 |
HKBU's Professional Diploma in Chinese Medicine Programme is a four-year part-time professional programme which provides an articulation mechanism to the Bachelor of Health Science (Chinese Medicine) Program offered by RMIT.
浸大开办的中医专业文凭课程为四年兼读制进阶课程,分为中医证书课程、中医文凭课程、中医高级文凭课程和中医专业文凭课程四个阶段,并获墨尔本理大承认学分。 |
HKDNR can terminate the program at any time without giving prior notice.
香港域名注册有限公司可随时终止此优惠计划而不须另行通知。 |
HKGCC's Web CO Service allows users to prepare and check their Certificate of Origin applications over the Internet.
香港总商会网证服务,用户可透过互联网填写及递交产地来源证申请供基本审核,避免往来签证办事处办理退证修改,省时方便。 |
HKGCOT has listed companies and mainland flagship companies amongst its members. Most of HKGCOT members' primary businesses are in textiles: trading, manufacturing, printing, dyeing and garment manufacturing.
四十多年来,为推动中港贸易交流、开拓海外市场、促进本地纺织品及成衣出口作出了努力和贡献。 |
HKIA Members are cordially to take part in the event by serving as an OC Member.
我们欢迎香港建筑师学会会员担任是次活动的筹委会成员。 |
HKIA was invited by various media to interview on various topics on heritage between July and August 2005. Please refer to the respective hyperlink for viewing and listening to the programmes.
香港建筑师学会在本年七月及八月接受了不同传媒机访问,就有关古迹保育发表意见。请按有关超连结观看及收听有关访问。 |
HKIA would like to deliver our sincere gratitude to Hon Alan Leong, Hon Margaret Ng and Hon Patrick S S Lau to share with us, and also thank you for the participation by members of the various professional institutes.
香港建筑师学会十分感谢梁家杰议员、吴霭仪议员、刘秀成议员出席有关研讨会向专业界朋友分享,并多谢专业界别的朋友的参与。 |