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They bite not only animals but also human and cause you seriousitch.These parasites could cause the prevalence of typhoid fever and have grdat harm on human heaoth.

They bent him over a gear-box and one of them held a Phillips screwdriver to his temple while they gave him the business. 安迪按在一个齿轮箱上,他们上他时,其中一个人用菲利浦螺丝起子顶着他的太阳穴。
They besought (him) that he might go with them. 他们恳求他跟他们一起去。
They besought him to help them. 他们恳求他帮助他们。
They best time of life left to the stage, emotion unfolding a story. 他们把人生最美好的时光留给了舞台,动情地演绎着一个个故事。
They bid $1780 per metric ton but some competitors outbid them. 他们递价每公吨1780美元,但一些竞争者出价更高。
They bite not only animals but also human and cause you seriousitch.These parasites could cause the prevalence of typhoid fever and have grdat harm on human heaoth. 它们不仅叮咬动物,也会叮咬人类,令人瘙痒难忍。这种寄生虫曾引致世界上某些最危险的传染病,如伤寒、瘟疫等疾病,对人类的健康危害极大。
They blame the west and Israel for oppressing Muslims around the world. The organizers are even selling children's coloring books such as this one, extolling martyrdom. 他们谴责西方国家和以色列在全世界范围内迫害穆斯林教徒。大会组织者甚至出售这种赞美牺牲殉葬的儿童上色书籍。
They blamed George for the failure of the talks. 他们把谈判失败归咎于乔治。
They blamed the Russians for the failure of the talks. 他们怪罪俄国人使会谈失败。
They blamed the failure of the action on George. 他们把此次行动失败归咎于乔治。
They blamed the failure on George. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。

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