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This bangle measures approximately 7 1/4 inches in length, 7/16 inch in width (at the widest point) and weighs (on average) 19 grams.

This band comes to my town once in blue moon. 这个演唱小组难得来我们镇上一次。
This band includes the ecliptic, the path of the sun's apparent movement through the constellations of the zodiac over the course of a year. 这条带子涵盖了黄道,也就是一年里太阳运行经过12个星座的路径。
This band is perhaps the largest band, and is also a very manipulative place with all the same game-playing and power struggles that went on in physical embodiment on Earth. 这个环带可能是最大的环带,也是一个非常具有操控性的地方,具有在世间所进行的全部相同的游戏和权利斗争。
This band, once only known to a few, is now finally poised to take the world by storm. 这个曾经只为少数人所知的乐队现在终于要让全世界为之倾倒了。
This bangle bracelet is also backed by a manufacturer's lifetime limited warranty and resists scratching, breaking and denting. 这款手镯也是您终身的财富的保证,能抵抗擦痕,破坏和凹痕。
This bangle measures approximately 7 1/4 inches in length, 7/16 inch in width (at the widest point) and weighs (on average) 19 grams. 这个手镯大约有71/4英寸长,7/16英寸宽(最宽)19克重(平均)。
This bank has no trust department. 这家银行没有信托部。
This bank is in raw sysex format compatible with Alesis FreeLoader, MIDIEX or any application that will load raw sysexfiles on any computer platform. This files contains both User banks. 各下载文件可能比较陈旧。因此请在使用本库中的文件之前,尝试查找最新文件。
This bank is the correspondent bank of bank of China in Boston. 这家银行是中国银行在波士顿的代理银行。
This bar chart shows the top four companies and their market shares: the American Jo y&am Jammy Company leads the pack with 29%, followed by the domestic firm, V08, at 21%. 我刚才给各位的统计数字说明台湾的确是一个以年轻人为导向的市场,而且未来十年之内仍然会继续是这种状况。
This bar is off limits to all soldiers. 这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内。

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