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Shanghai, China, October 17, 2006 – Today Hennessy announced the kick-off of the first ever HENNESSY ARTISTRY TOUR.

Shanghai's local transport system was launched with the Shanghai Metro Line 1, which operated 16 six-car units supplied by the German Shanghai Metro Group (GSMG) consortium led by Bombardier from October 1992 to April 1995. 简要翻译一下第一段,英语水平有限哈:上海地铁1、2号线,中国上海的本地交通系统是由地铁1号线引领开始的,它是由16列6节编组的由庞巴迪领导的德国上海地铁集团(GSMG)财团提供的车辆运转的,从1992年10月到1995年4月。
Shanghai's roots are as a wharf and port city. 上海在根深蒂固之处,是一个码头。一个港城。
Shanghai's unique charm has attracted many entrepreneurs and financier to make investment and rewarded with high economic returns. 上海以其独特魅力吸引了许多企业家和金融家前来投资取得了丰厚的回报。
Shanghai, China – January 30, 2007.The9 Limited (NASDAQ: NCTY), a leading online game operator in China, today announced that it has entered into an amendment to the original license agreement with Vivendi Games, Inc. and Blizzard Entertainment, to rollou 美国东部时间1月30日8:00(北京时间1月30日21:00)消息,已经同维旺迪游戏公司和暴雪娱乐就《魔兽世界》原始授权协议的补充条款达成一致,即将推出万众期待的魔兽世界资料片《燃烧远征》。
Shanghai, China's most cosmopolitan city, ranks as the top destination. 上海,中国最具国际性的城市,名列最佳的理想地。
Shanghai, China, October 17, 2006 – Today Hennessy announced the kick-off of the first ever HENNESSY ARTISTRY TOUR. 中国上海,2006年10月17日——今天,轩尼诗公司宣布首次启动“轩尼诗艺术之旅”活动。
Shanghai, a vigorous cosmopolitan city, is witnessing profound changes in the housing conditions for the local residents. 上海是个充满活力的大都市,上海市民的居住正发生着深刻的变化。
Shanghai, is not merely a modern metropolis, but a city with traditional Chinese and local culture. 上海,一座极具现代化,而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化都市。
Shanghai-day Asia Limited automated instrumentation is professional production Yewei meters integrated companies. 上海天亚自动化仪表有限公司是专业生产液位仪表的综合性公司。
Shanghai. Morning exercise on the Bund(Zhongshandonglu). In the background the Yng-Tse-Kiang River. Sunday 13th May 1984. 外滩晨练(中山东路)。背景是扬子江。1984年5月13日,星期日。
Shanghai..Company is professionally engaged in sea-route, the updation of port constructure attached facility、optimization and transformation、products agent and technical service. 上海..有限公司专业从事航道、港口结构附属设施的升级、优化改造,产品代理及技术服务。

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