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After one year in development, thirteen college students in Jionghua (Changhua) showed a prototype of a super fuel-efficient vehicle which weighs 25kg (55lb) and can travel over 700km per litre of gasoline (1695mpg) with a top speed of 60km/h (37.5mph).

After one month, the transparency of cornea was resumed in 61 patients (72 eyes), localized leucoma in 27 patients (33 eyes), corneal opacity and pannus in 11 patients (13 eyes), full leucoma in 5 patients (6 eyes), resulting in intraocular infection and 术后1月有61例(72眼)眼角膜恢复透明,27例(33眼)遗留局限性角膜白斑,11例(13眼)角膜浑浊并血管翳,5例(6眼)发生完全性角膜白斑,2例(2眼)角膜自溶穿孔,发生眼内感染,最终行眼内容物摘除。
After one power plant in Ohio had shut down, elevated power loads overheated high-voltage lines, which sagged into trees and short-circuited. 俄亥俄州一座发电厂跳机后,暴增的电力负载使高压线路过热,电线垂挂在树上造成短路。
After one term as City Councilman, Smith shied away from politics. 做了一任市议员后,史密斯就避开政治活动。
After one week in a private room the doctors felt I had improved enough to be transferred by jet ambulance to Del Oro 14)Rehabilitation Hospital in Houston. 在私人看护病房里呆了一个星期后,医生觉得我已经好转了许多,并可以坐救护飞机转到奥斯汀的德欧洛康复医院。
After one week's hard work, we finally finished the interview of all the 150 people and picked out 60 core members, 15 for technique group and the left were our formal members. 经过俱乐部核心领导团队一个星期的辛苦工作,终于完成了150人次的面试工作。为俱乐部选拔出了60位核心会员,15位技术组成员,其它会员划归为正式会员。
After one year in development, thirteen college students in Jionghua (Changhua) showed a prototype of a super fuel-efficient vehicle which weighs 25kg (55lb) and can travel over 700km per litre of gasoline (1695mpg) with a top speed of 60km/h (37.5mph). 彰化十三耶大学生开一年耶时间发展出一款超级省油耶车,干单二十五公斤重,一公升耶汽油会使走七百公里。
After one year, you will need to apply for a NZ driver licence. 一年后,您必须申请一个新西兰的驾照。
After only a month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave. 那工作他只干了一个月就厌倦了, 决定不干了.
After only a short exposure to sunlight, he began to turn red. 他在阳光下只晒了一会儿,皮肤就变红了。
After only half hour drive we reach a holy area. 开车仅仅半小时的时间就到了一个神圣的地方。
After opening jar, store marmalade in the refrigerator. 打开后要放入冰箱冷藏保存。

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