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It lasts from May to July.

It lasted for more than four months from initiation of the ovulate strobilus to formation of anatropous ovules. 从雌球果原基发生到胚珠分化历时4个多月。
It lasted less than 24 hours. 但是到头来不过是24小时的黄梁一梦。
It lasts a number of rounds equal to the character's Charisma bonus and can be used once per day. 它能够维持的轮数等于你的魅力调整值,并且这个能力每天只能使用1次。
It lasts a week, from the 15th to the 22nd days of the third month by the Chinese lunar calendar. 三月街在农历每年三月十五至二十二,持续一周。
It lasts from June to August. 夏天从六月一直持续到八月。
It lasts from May to July. 夏天)从五月持续到七月。
It lasts on average2 to 4 hours per day. 每天平均持续2-4个小时。
It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated. 后来,明显看出,兔子对这种疾病已产生了一定程度的免疫力,所以兔子不可能被完全消灭。
It later became more eclectic but retained a harmonious overall townscape. 它成为了更加折衷但保留一和谐整体。
It later emerged the shares were worthless. 而后的情况表明这些股份毫无价值。
It later went on to be a smash on Broadway starring Anthony Hopkins and in 1977 was made into a film with Richard Burton. 随后在百老汇的上演也大获成功,当时的主演是安东尼*霍普金斯.1977年,它被拍成电影,由理查德*伯顿主演。

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