Treasury stock can be used in several ways, including supplying shares for the exercise of stock options or convertible bonds.
库存股票有几种用途,包括为行使股票期权或为可转换债券提供股票。 |
Treat all beings in the spirit of equality. See everything through the principle of dependent origination.
能以平等观看待一切众生,就是法界圆融;能以因缘观看待一切事物,都是缘起缘灭。 |
Treat centered and the other horizontal alignments the same as general: align icons on the right for numbers and on the left for the other types (and for general, change cells\' horizontal alignment to right or left as appropriate for the cells\' type and
将居中和其它横向对齐处理为常规:数字类型的将图标对齐在右边,其它类型的对齐在左边(对于常规,基于单元格类型和缩进更改单元格’横向对齐为右或者左’)。 |
Treat everone around you in goodness.
善待身边的每一个人,因为你需要他们。 |
Treat falseness short sightedness and low degree short sightedness; Eliminate rare delicacy, it is exhausted to alleviate , make the feelings of popular feeling happy, expression air is clear.
治疗假性近视和低度近视;预防和缓解近视、远视、散光、老花等屈光不正;消除眼疲劳;消除脑疲劳,缓解失眠症状;消除鱼尾纹、眼袋和黑眼圈;负离子可清新净化空气,消除异味,减轻疲劳,使人心情舒畅,神情气爽。 |
Treat individualism like the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves .
对待个人主义要像秋风扫落叶一样。 |
Treat it as material for a test you'll take and get to know it backwards and forwards.
把这当作一次测试,你就可以更好的了解来龙去脉。 |
Treat it by stages with the classical prescription revised on a small quantity, reflect Chinese medicine cure the disease dialectically, there is a unique advantage in stability of curative effect.
用经方化裁对其进行分期治疗,体现了中医治病求本的整体辩证施治特色,在疗效的稳定性方面有着独特的优势。 |
Treat once every other day until healing occurs.
每隔一天用药一次直至治愈。 |
Treat others with trust, sincerity And leniency, And you will earn yourself more joy And more pleasant surprises.
给他人多一份信任,多一份真诚,多一份宽容,就会给自己多一份快乐和惊喜。 |
Treat sound as you would a visual presentation.
以你对待视觉表现的方式来对待声音。 |