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Try to laugh out loud even though you are in bad mood.

Try to keep it concise...no more than 2 pages if possible. 还有是要精简,以不多于两页为佳。
Try to keep junk foods down to a minimum. 尽量不要吃垃圾食物(卖当奴、啃大鸡之类的)。
Try to keep most commonly used interface elements constantly visible, and less frequently used interface elements available but unobtrusive. 为了最通常原封未动的尝试可见地经常对待了接口要素,可以利用,但是不唐突地不那么更频繁地对待了接口要素。
Try to keep your cool; you may be a tad frazzled by all the rushing around. 遇事一定要冷静,不要被周围繁杂的事务冲昏了头。
Try to keep your graphic files less than 35K in size. 所以,尽量使你的图形文件小于35K。
Try to laugh out loud even though you are in bad mood. 即使你心情不好,也要尽情欢笑。
Try to lead the van! 努力担任先锋!
Try to learn by heart these English words and phrases. 努力把这些英语单字和短语记住。
Try to learn from the mistake of the past, and press forward for better achievement in the future. 试著从过去的错误中学习功课,并竭力追求将来更美的成功。
Try to learn useful sentences by heart, and make other sentences after such models. 努力记住有用的句子,并且仿照着例子,造出其它的句子。
Try to link up globally, via the internet, and locally, in your own community. 尽力在全球范围内通过国际互联网联结,在本地的社区内联结。

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