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Among those present will be UBS, which must now try to ensure that any bad smells at its bond-trading desk do not pollute other businesses, particularly its prized wealth-management arm.

Among those here today, there are some who are interested in Buddhism whilst others are not. 今天在此的各位,有一部分人是对佛教感兴趣的,同时也有不是佛教徒的。
Among those low-keyed people, many are really low-keyed, but the others are arrogant,and do not associate with ordinary people. 世界上低调的人有两种,一种是真的低调,另一种是狂妄,不与世俗人为伍。
Among those nations you will find no repose, no resting place for the sole of your foot. 65在那些国中,你必不得安逸,也不得落脚之地。
Among those nearing the end of his second term is the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei. 第二任任期快要结束的联合国高层官员当中,包括国际原子能机构总干事巴拉迪。
Among those present were the Prime Minister and her husband. 那些出席者中有首相及其丈夫.
Among those present will be UBS, which must now try to ensure that any bad smells at its bond-trading desk do not pollute other businesses, particularly its prized wealth-management arm. 瑞士银行也位于会议出席者之列,它必须试图确保国债交易的任何不良名声不会危害到其他业务,特别是它珍视的理财业务。
Among those university students who will graduate soon,some prefer to returnto their home town to work, other volunteer to work in the underdeveloped areas. 在即将毕业的大学生中,有人希望区自己的家乡工作,有人志愿去不发达的地区工作。
Among those university students who will graduate soon. Some prefer to return to their hometown to work, others volunteer to work in the underdeveloped areas. 在即将毕业的大学生中,有人希望去自己的家乡工作,有人志愿去不发达地区工作。
Among those who heeded the call is Eric Mancio, the self-taught head sommelier at Guy Savoy. 心存怀疑的艾瑞克曼西欧是其中一人,他是吉萨瓦餐厅自学成功的首席酒侍。
Among those who tied the knot were Longford Manderson, 28, and Sarah Chalker, 23, who fell in love aboard the Prince Albertin 1858. 1858年,28岁的曼德森和23岁的查克尔在“艾伯特王子”号上相爱并相伴一生的故事就是其中之一。
Among those whose stories are followed are: a young couple searching for their child; a Thai survivor who loses his family and tries to prevent developers from seizing the land his village is built on; an Englishwoman whose husband and son are missing; an 这些故事是:一对年轻夫妇寻找他们的孩子;一个失去家园的泰国幸存者,试图去阻止开发商收缴他们曾经建设家园的土地;一个和自己的丈夫孩子失散的英国妇女;一个雄心勃勃的记者;一名救援工作者;一个相信自然规律的权威英国官员;一位权威的泰国气象学家,他曾经详细的预报了海啸侵袭受灾地区的必然性,但这却被忽略了。

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