She would be interested in having her fortune told.
她很想有人给她算命。 |
She would be the last person to go along with the scheme.
她将是最后一个知道这个计划的人。 |
She would buy a large house if she won the lottery.
如果她的彩票中奖,她会买一个大房子. |
She would choose one because of his vocal patterns.
她可能会因为喜欢其中一个的声音而选择他做丈夫。 |
She would dearly like to get that job.
她非常想得到那份工作。 |
She would embellish it before dishing it out to whoever who might care to listen.
,她必定会加盐添醋地到处去与爱听是非的人说。 |
She would fetch my father from his outside work to deal withme, and I would await his arrival first in balked fury and then in a sickening despair.
她会把在外面工作的父亲找回来对付我,我则先是怯而怒地、既而是厌恶绝望地等待着。 |
She would give expensive presents to Dudley and either something horrible or nothing at all to Harry.
她总会给达力带来昂贵的礼物,却给哈利一些讨厌的东西,或者干脆什么也没有。 |
She would give this Company the name of Saint Ursula, a martyr whose courageous death for her faith in Jesus had inspired many people.
她以「圣吴苏乐」为这个团体命名,圣吴苏乐是一位殉道贞女,为了坚持对耶稣基督的信仰勇敢舍命,她的懿行感召了许多人。 |
She would go to the ends of the earth to make a better life for her children.
为了让她的孩子过上好的生活,她愿去天涯海角。 |
She would go to the ends of the earth to make a better life for the family.
为了让她的家庭过上比较好的生活,她愿去天涯海角。 |